
2.4 m3搅拌反应釜计 毕业设计.doc

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2.4 m3搅拌反应釜计 毕业设计

2.4 m3搅拌反应釜设计 摘 要 本文设计的搅拌设备是搅拌反应釜,反应釜的结构采用夹套式。内筒介质是染料及有机溶剂,设计压力为0.7MPa;夹套内介质为冷却水或蒸汽,设计压力为0.9MPa;主体材质为Q345R,搅拌速度为50r/min,反应釜体积为2.4m3,操作体积为2.0m3,轴功率为1.4KW。 搅拌反应釜主要由筒体和夹套组成,多为中、低压压力容器;搅拌装置由搅拌器和搅拌轴组成;传动装置是为搅拌装置设置的,主要由电动机、减速器、联轴器和传动轴等组成;轴封装置为动密封,一般采用机械密封或填料密封;它们与支座、人孔、工艺接管等附件一起,构成完整的搅拌反应釜。 设计方法采用压力容器常规设计方法,遵循《化工设备》要求,按照GB150-98《钢制压力容器》等技术法规执行,设计内容主要包括釜体(内筒与夹套)强度、结构设计、校核和水压试验;搅拌装置设计与校核;传动装置设计以及反应釜其他零部件设计等。 反应釜作为搅拌设备的一种,其应用前景广泛,尤其在石油与化工行业中更是得到了广泛的应用。 关键词 反应釜;釜体;搅拌装置;传动装置;附件 Abstract This design of mixing equipment is stirred tank reactor with jacket. Inner tube is a dye and an organic solvent medium and the design pressure is 0.7Mpa.jacket cooling medium is water or steam and the design pressure ois 0.9MPa; The main material is Q345R, stirring speed is 50r/min, reactor volume is 2.4m3, operating volume is 2.0m3 and shaft power is 1.4KW。 stirred tank reactor is mainly composedof the cylinder and the jacket ,mostly in medium and low-pressure vessels.The mixing device composed by a stirrer and agitator shaft.The gearing is set for the stirring device, mainly consists of motor, reducer, couplings and shafts and other components; seal device is dynamic seal, generally use mechanical seal or packing.All of them with support, manholes, and other accessories with the takeover process constitute a complete stirred tank reactor. Pressure vessel design using conventional design methods, follow the chemical equipment requirement, according to GB150-98 steel pressure vessel and other technical enforcement.The designed mainly includes kettle body (inner tube and jacket) strength, structural design, school nuclear and hydraulic test, stirring device design and checking, gear design and other reactor components design. Reactor as a stirring device has broad application prospects, especially in the oil and chemical industry it has been even more widely used. Keywords reactor;kettle;stirring device;gearing;attachment 目录 引言 - 1 - 第1章 绪论 - 3 - 1.1反应釜研究的背景及意义 - 3 - 1.2反应釜的研究现状 - 3 - 1.3反应釜


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