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Unit 5 Part A Read and write 第三课时教案 教学目标: 1、掌握四会句型:What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping. 2、听说、认、读句子:That elephant is drinking water with its trunk. 3、培养学生热爱自然、保护动物的良好品质,注重新旧知识的融会贯通,加强学生小组合作与交流。 教学重难点: 1、 能够正确拼写四会句型What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping. 2、认读句型That elephant is drinking water with its trunk. 教具准备:课件,有关动物和动作的单词卡片。录音机和录音带,要求四会掌握的句型卡。 教学过程: 一、Preparation准备活动 1、 Let′s chant :Koalas are sleeping 学生跟说。 (设计意图:课前进行chant活跃课堂气氛。) 2、复习现在进行时动词+ing的三种规则和句型的操练。(目的是复习前面已经学过的知识,为新知识打好基础)。 二、Pre-reading阅读前活动 1、 教师在黑板上挂一幅动物教学挂图,背对着学生,学生猜图里有什么。 T:Look, it’s a picture of a zoo. What’s in this picture?There are no animals in the Zoo.Let’s help the animals go back to the Zoo. S:OK.… (设计意图:通过想象猜测,复习旧知识,发散学生思维。) 2、教师翻转图片,与同学校对图片上的动物。 T and S: We can see… T: What animals do you like in the picture? S: I like the rabbit… T: Why? S: It’s lovely… T: What is the rabbit doing? S: It’s eating grass. T: Yes. The rabbit is hungry. (设计意图:通过本环节,学生可以表达自己对不同的动物的不同感情。) 三、In-reading阅读中活动 1、 General reading 快速默读短文,根据内容教师要求学生表演森林中的一幕,以小组合作的形式展开。 T:Now, Let’s act in four. Describe your action. Eg.S1表演一只小猴子正在吃香蕉。 S2表演一只大象在喝水。 S3:Look, I can see a monkey. S4: What is it doing? S3: It’s eating bananas. S4: What is the elephant doing? S3: It’s drinking water. (设计意图:教师通过让学生表演并对话,强调现在进行时态的运用。) 2、 Detailed reading 教师继续提问相关动物的知识。 T:Do you like kangaroos? S: Yes. T: Where are they from? Are they from America? S: No. Australia. T: Look at the mother kangaroo’s pouch? What’s in the pouch? S: Baby kangaroo. T: Super. T: What’s it doing? S: Maybe it’s… T: Do you like kangaroos? S: I like… T: Can you guess? what′s my favorite animals? S: You like… Answer the questions: a、 What is the mother kangaroo doing? b. What is the baby kangaroo doing? (设计意图:通过这个问题拓展有关动物产地的知识,整合相关学科的知识。学生可以通过问答获取更多的常识,同时也提高自己的英语表达能力。) 3、教师画一只长长的大象鼻子的简


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