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Cummings Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/Cengage Learning * * Organization Development and Change Thomas G. Cummings Christopher G. Worley Chapter Six: Diagnosing Groups and Jobs Learning Objectives for Chapter Six To clarify the concepts of group and job level diagnosis To define diagnosis and to explain how the diagnostic process discovers the underlying causes of problems at the group and job level of analysis To present an open systems diagnostic model for group and job levels Goal Clarity Task Group Structure Functioning Group Performance Composition Norms Group-Level Diagnostic Model Inputs Design Components Outputs Organization Design Group Effectiveness Group-Level Design Components Goal Clarity extent to which group understands its objectives Task Structure the way the group’s work is designed Team Functioning the quality of group dynamics among members Group Composition the characteristics of group members Performance Norms the unwritten rules that govern behavior Group-Level Outputs Product or Service Quality Productivity e.g., cost/member, number of decisions Team Cohesiveness e.g., commitment to group and organization Work Satisfaction Skill Variety Task Identity Autonomy Task Feedback Significance about Results Individual-Level Diagnostic Model Inputs Design Components Outputs Organization Design Group Design Personal Traits Individual Effectiveness *



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