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Have a discussion: How to write a poem? First Second Then Next Finally Choose your topic. Think about what it is like. Name things about it that you say in English. Describe each word. Don’t forget to use your imagination and have fun. What words describe this storm? cloud wind rain thunder … Clouds as black as night. Thunder crashes, lightening fires the air. Wind blow strongly, leave terrorists in heart. Rain, heavy and mad, drop and hit the earth. Thank you! Goodbye Lesson 2 Poems About Nature 红中 兰东方 Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets: The boy decided ____________(not become) a sailor after he graduated. 2. Please write a _____________(describe) of your favourite animal. 3. Do you _________(real) want to study abroad? 4. The __________(happy) is always around you. We are very ____________(please) with her decision. ________ you __________(write) a your letter yet? I ______ just __________(finish) my poem. She _______________ (go) to Beijing already. ________ you _________(write) all the new words? No. I ______________(write) them this afternoon. not to become description really happiness pleased Have written have finished has gone Have written will write 10. You needn’t _________ (tell) me. 13. I didn’t need ___________(answer) it. 14. The room needs _____________(clean). 15. We have already learned some new words and ________(express). 16. I can’t decide which one _________(choose). 17. I ________(finish) my homework just now. tell write cleaning expressions to choose finished Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets: Think about it! Have you read any poems in English? Which one do you like best? Why? What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter? At first, we should make a picture about winter in heart. And then list the word we want to describe. Hills, loud with new water, running swiftly under ice as clear as glass. Flowers, tiny, b


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