影视欣赏全部授课内容新Character and Performanc15讲.ppt

影视欣赏全部授课内容新Character and Performanc15讲.ppt

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影视欣赏全部授课内容新Character and Performanc15讲

“ ” Character and Performance Ⅰ Character Function and Cast Design Three basic character functions: 1. main characters—主要角色 2. secondary characters—次要角色 3.minor characters—小角色 1. main characters “Protagonist”, the character whose actions trigger the chain of causes and effects that drive the plot forward. 2. secondary characters Secondary characters are those who interact with the protagonist and have significant impact on the development of the narrative. Secondary characters can be divided into three main functions: the opposition character-反面角色, the mirror character,-镜子角色 and the romance character. 2.1 The opposition character The opposition character (antagonist) is the character who opposes the intentions of the protagonist; antagonists ?--反面人物stand in the way of protagonists and create obstacles for them. The final climax of the film is normally a direct confrontation between the protagonist and the antagonist/forces of antagonism. 2.2 The mirror character The mirror character (support) is the character most clearly aligned--with一致, and supportive of , the protagonist. 2.3 The romance character The romance character (love interest) is the character with whom the protagonist is – or becomes– romantically involved. ⅡVogler’s Seven Character Archetypes Vogler’s seven basic character functions: hero, mentor(导师), threshold guardian(关卡守卫者), herald(信使), shapeshifter(变化者), shadow(影子), and trickster(骗子,魔术师). Vogler’s Seven Character Archetypes Hero 英雄 Mentor 导师 Threshold guardian 关卡守门人 Herald 使者 Shapeshifter 变化者 Shadow 影子 Trickster 小丑 原型简单介绍 英雄 主要角色 影子 代表英雄的“黑暗面”的反面角色 导师 给英雄以建议和帮助的角色 使者 传唤或召唤英雄踏上征途的角色 变化者 迷惑、误导英雄的角色,他们代表着英雄将会发生一些内在转变 小丑 带来喜剧调剂的角色 守门人 暂时阻挡英雄前进的角色 Question: Vogler worked as a consultant for Disney during the production of the Lion King. How do Vogler’s character archetypes-原型help one better understand the film? Discussion How is Vogler’s character archetypes applied in this film? Motivation, Conflict, and Character Growth


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