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我国医药行业上市公司企业价值评估方法研究 ——以同仁堂公司为例 摘要 企业价值评估越来越受到企业管理者和投资者的关注,成为了财务管理、投资决策的重要参考依据,同时为企业间的并购重组、股权交易等活动提供了有效的估值依据。我国的资本市场日益成熟,在借鉴国外已有的价值评估理论和方法的基础上,应该建立起自己的一套估值方法和理论体系。 医药行业作为我国国民经济重要组成部分,对经济建设和发展起重要作用的行业,对医药行业的研究具有现实意义。本文通过对国内外企业价值评估的研究成果进行归纳总结,分析比较现有的三大方法——成本法、市场法和收益法的适用性和不足点,提出适合一定评估目的下的所选企业——同仁堂公司的价值评估方法,即现金流折现法,通过对现金流折现模型中各参数的预测和估算,最终得到同仁堂公司整体价值,并与公司账面价值相比较,找到运用该评估方法存在的不足和应该注意的问题。 文章第一部分从总体上阐述了本文的选题背景和研究意义,并综述了国内外企业价值评估方法的相关文献;第二部分主要是全文的理论基础,解释了企业价值评估相关的基本概念以及现行的基本方法;第三部分则是针对我国医药行业的行业分析,以及医药行业上市公司评估方法的选择;第四部分是案例分析,本文选择了同仁堂公司作为估值对象,假定评估目的,选择评估方法,构建评估模型,预测未来自由现金流、折现率等参数,估算企业整体价值,并对结果进行评价;文章最后一部分是对全文的总结,提出研究过程的不足之处,为未来的研究方向给出建议。 关键词:企业价值 医药行业 现金流折现法 Abstract Enterprise valuation has been taken more and more attention to corporate managers and investors, also, it has become an important reference for financial management, investment decisions, as well as activities in mergers and acquisitions, equity trading and other enterprises to provide an effective basis for valuation. Chinas capital market has become more mature, on the basis of the existing valuation from abroad theories and methods. We should establish a set of valuation methods and theories in China. The pharmaceutical industry as an important part of our national economy, playing an important role in economic construction and development of the industry, the study of the pharmaceutical industry has practical significance. Based on the research results of enterprise valuation summarized, analyzed and compared three methods available - cost approach, market approach and the income approach. And put forward the right approach for the specific purpose- TRTs valuation methods, namely discounted cash flows, discounted cash flow through the model prediction and estimation of the parameters, and ultimately get the overall value of the company Tong Ren Tang, and compared with the companys book value, find the use of the assessment inadequate and should be noted methodological problems exist. The first part describe


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