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毕业设计 题 目  紫微住宅小区1号楼给排水工程设计 专 业 给水排水工程 班 级   XXXX 学 生 XXXX 指导教师 XXXXXX XXXX 年 摘 要 本设计的主要任务是进行西安市紫薇住宅小区的给水排水设计。这是一栋18层商住楼。本工程为本工程为二类高层住宅楼,,地下一层,地上十八层层,地下一层为丙类库房。主体部分一层为商业,二到十八层为住宅。总建筑面积为:6339.62,建筑高度:52.60m。 屋面为不上人屋面。一层与地下室层高1m,2至18层层高2.9m。每层包括3户,每户设卫生间各一个,共有洗手盆1个,大便器1个,洗脸盆1个,洗衣机1个,洗涤盆1个。根据建筑物性质、用途及建筑单位要求,室内设有完善的给水排水卫生设备系统。该大楼要求消防给水系统安全可靠,设置独立的消火栓系统以及自动喷水灭火系统,消防时直接启动消防泵。生活水泵可以根据用户需要自动启动,并且自动稳压。本设计说明书包含建筑工程设计中的生活给水,消防给水,雨水,生活污水等设计项目。主要内容包括生活给水系统的设计计算、消火栓给水系统的设计计算、喷淋系统的设计计算、生活污水排水系统的设计计算、屋面雨水排水系统的设计计算。 关键词:生活给水,消火栓给水,自动喷淋系统,建筑排水 Abstract The main task of this design is to be water supply and drainage design Xian Lagerstroemia residential district. This is a 18-storey commercial and residential. The project-oriented engineering as second-class high-rise residential buildings ,, basement, ground eighteen layers, Class C basement storeroom. The ground floor of the main business, two to eighteen floors for residential. The total construction area: 6339.62, building height: 52.60m. The roof is not accessible roof. Floor and basement floors 1m, 2 - 18 layers of high 2.9m. Each includes three, one each household toilet set, a total wash basin, a toilet, a wash basin, a washing machine, a washing basin. According to building nature, purpose and construction unit requirements, has improved the indoor water supply and drainage sanitation systems. The building requires fire water system is safe and reliable, set up a separate fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system, fire pump fire when started directly. Living water pump can be started automatically according to user needs, and automatic voltage regulator. The design manual contains architectural engineering design life, water supply, fire water, rainwater, sewage and other design projects. The main contents include domestic water supply system design calculations, design hydrant water supply system calcu


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