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科学选题 精准命题 高效解题 2018届高三3月八市联考命题说明与数据分析 、 ;今天交流分享的主要内容:; 一、三月联考 命题说明 ;命题基本步骤:; ;(1)获取事实性的具体信息; (2)对对话背景、话题、地点、说话者之间的关系等做出推断; (3)对听力大意的理解和所听话题的概括; (4)理解说话者的意图、观点或态度。;1. 尽量选用“原汁原味”的材料,文章出自英美人士之手,语言地道、正确、流畅、得体。 2. 难易程度适中,符合《考纲》和《新课程标准》,适合选拔学生。 3. 合理修改、压缩, 题材、体裁丰富,内容新颖。 A篇是应用文,介绍了四部影片的主要内容、演员、开映时间等信息。 B篇是说明文,介绍了可乐的其他妙用。 C篇是记叙文,讲述一个女孩感染超级病菌的故事。 D篇是议论文,买一本纸质书,你是真正的拥有者,然而,在网站上买电子书,你的权力非常有限。;4. 题型全面,分布合理。 细节理解(21、22、25、26、28、31、33、35)主旨大意(32) 推理判断(27、29、30) 猜测词义(23、24、34) 5. 选项的命制注重考查学生对语言形式和意义的理解。 33. Which of the following is TRUE about the DMCA? A. It turned out to benefit digital booksellers. B. It seems a little unfair to digital booksellers. C. It has become a threat to the livelihood of authors. D. It actually played a trick on copyright holders and content users. 35. What is the author’s suggestion? A. Booksellers should be punished by law for their marketing strategy. B. Booksellers should make a formal public apology to the victims. C. E-book readers should buy e-books directly from publishers. D. E-books should be treated the same as physical books. ;6. 突出词汇在具体语境中的灵活运用。 It didn’t take long for Bethany to realize the antibiotics the doctor had given her weren’t working. In the digital environment, that’s always been the trickiest balance to achieve. The question is whether the balance has given an unfair advantage to the booksellers, at the consumers expense. 7. 有一些长难句结构比较复杂,不容易弄懂。 That’s usually done through digital rights management, or DRM, which encodes (编码) copy limitations into the digital file. The DMCA protected DRM. The answer is yes. Another uproar followed, and Amazon backed down again, restoring Nygaard’s account. The guiding principle must be that an e-book owner’s rights and responsibilities parallel those of a p


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