中小学师生交往中主客体关系的重新建构研究-research on reconstruction of subject - object relationship in teacher - student interaction in primary and secondary schools.docx

中小学师生交往中主客体关系的重新建构研究-research on reconstruction of subject - object relationship in teacher - student interaction in primary and secondary schools.docx

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中小学师生交往中主客体关系的重新建构研究-research on reconstruction of subject - object relationship in teacher - student interaction in primary and secondary schools

中文摘要 中小学师生交往就是中小学教育活动的参与者一一教师与学生两个行为主体,通过一定 的中介(客体)所进行的主旨在促进学生作为完整意义上的人的全面发展,改善创造新型师 生关系为目的的交流活动。交往主体客体化是目前中小学师生交往中存在的一个重要问题, 交往主体客体化是指交往的一方不把另一方看作与自己相同的、自由自主的主体,视作实现 以自我为中 支配.在师生交往中,教师作为主体居高临下,如同一个冷面的裁判或检察官,从而将师生 关系转化成了一种物化的我一一它关系,进而降低了师生交往的实效性,交往主体客体 化在师生交往中具体体现为 z 单一的主体观:积极情感的缺失 g 师生交往的片面性:师生交 往与学生生活世界的断裂等.本文通过对师生交往内涵理解及对师生交往中交往主体客体化 表现的分析,从而对中小学师生交往中的主客体关系进行重新建构,试图通过建构主一一- 客-一主的交往模式,建立交往的教育过程观,以克服师生交往中的交往主体客体化问题, 从而促进学生作为完整意义上的人的全面发展,改善创造新型师生关系, 关键词 z 教师学生师生交往主客体关系 1 ABSTRACT 10e exchanges between teachers and studen也 in primary and middle schools are interactive activities, which 缸e conducted by the two main participants (su句时也) through a medium (object) lts purpose is to promote the students comprehensive development and establish a newJy relationship between teachers and s阳dents. Subj阳ts becoming into objects d町ing 田.changes is an irnpo血nt issue in todays teacher-student exchanges. And it m四ns one side of exchanges,namely teachers,do臼 not 阿且缸d the other side of exchanges,namely students,as an equal and free counterpart. on the contr缸瓦 the other side is always regarded as one way to realize the teache白 goals and m田t 由eir own m创s. 1O阻,由e teachers will play a central and dominant role ,with the loss of the students indelndence. In the pr回回s of exchanges, teachers (su战jects) looking like judges or proc田ators wiJl be superiorωstudents 何时ects). The relationship between t四chers and studen也 wiJl bba啼 into a rela垣onship between people and 创咿.10e effectiveness of excha鸣:es will become less and 1白血 ηle following are 由econc阳能 indica时ons of the phenomenon of subjects becoming into. 0均ects: the view of single subject,the lack of active emotion,the one-sidedness of teacher-student excbanges and the break of the exch田毡由皿d the students daily Iives. In由is article, 由e author is supposed toωmprehend the connotation of the excbanges betw臼n 恒ache白血d students,then analyze the indications of s喇ects becoming into 0均ects. The pu叩ose is to r田onstruct the position of s



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