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The prsit f happiness文档

The Pursuit of Happiness * The Problem of Pursuit John Stuart Mill, Autobiography The Paradox of Hedonism—the person who is constantly aiming at happiness tends to find it harder to achieve. ? * The Problem of Predicting Daniel Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness Jonathan Haidt, The Happiness Hypothesis To pursue happiness, we have to predict what will makes us happy, but we’re not very good at that. Why not? ? Habituation—We get used to new things, so they make less of a difference than we think they will. “Set point”—we have an inborn happiness-level that doesn’t change much, so we overestimate the impact of new circumstances. ? ? * The Problem of Predicting Present skews predictions—for example: shopping on an empty stomach, comparing products in store. Failure to understand emotional immune system—we’re not aware of ways we will adapt to tragedy if it happens. (Lance Armstrong: “cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me”) Failure to take into account the big picture—if you lose your spouse, it will not be the only thing going on in your life. ETC. ? * What Makes Us Happy? Some inner factors – Optimism Martin Seligman, Authentic Happiness Optimism Test Test at Authentic Happiness Website What is the basic idea underlying the test? Optimism and pessimism are rooted in styles of explaining why things happen. * What Makes Us Happy? Some inner factors - Optimism TERMS Good Events (I did great on the exam) Bad Events (I got a very low grade) Permanent conditions (I am very intelligent, I am not very intelligent) Temporary Conditions (I studied, I didn’t study) Pervasive conditions (things go well for me, things don’t go well for me) Local Conditions (philosophy teachers “get” me, they don’t “get” me) ? * What Makes Us Happy? Some inner factors - Optimism * What Makes Us Happy? Some inner factors - Optimism Good Events (I did great on the exam) Bad Events (I got a very low grade) Permanent conditions (I am very inte


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