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论“公众人物”隐私权的保护问题研究 On the public figure the protection of privacy School :Oxbridge college,Kunming University of Science and Technology Department :Law Profession :Faculty of Law Grade :2007 Name :ChenLei Student ID :200716041650 Instructor :Chen Ling Hua 目录 第 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 45 页 论“公众人物”隐私权的保护问题研究 摘要 网络时代的到来使人类的思想得到了空前的解放和交融,新闻产业的繁荣让世界变得日益民主。但另一方面,随着人们生活空间的日益透明化,个人的私生活也越来越受到令人不安的威胁。随着侵犯隐私行为的增多和人们维权意识的增强,隐私权保护问题已经成为学术界研究的一个热门课题。隐私权是公民享有的私生活安宁与私人信息依法受到保护,不被他人非法侵扰、知悉、搜集、利用和公开的一种人格权。从古至今,隐私话题都极度受到人们的关注,窥探他人的隐私渐渐成为了人类一种不可磨灭的天性。倘若该话题涉及到名人、奇人时,其内容的吸引度更是可想而知,在通过现今发达的新闻产业印成白纸黑字,媒体效应马上可以显现的淋漓尽致。公众人物由于其身份的特殊性,隐私保护在理论及实践中有许多方面不同于一般公民。研究公众人物隐私权的保护问题,建立公众人物隐私权保护制度,是保障公众人物合法权益、构建和谐社会现实的必然要求。 关键词:公众人物,隐私权,法律保护 On the public figure the protection of privacy Abstract Arrival of the Internet age the idea of human liberation and has been an unprecedented blend of the news industry has become increasingly prosperous democracy in the world.On the other hand, with the increasing transparency of living space, private life of individuals but also the threat of more and more disturbing.With the increase in acts of invasion of privacy and peoples awareness of rights, privacy protection has become a hot topic in academic research.Privacy is peace and the private lives of citizens private information are protected by law, unlawful interference by others, knows the collection, use and disclosure of a personality.From ancient times, the privacy issue are extremely concerned by the people, spy on other peoples privacy has gradually become an indelible human nature.If the topic comes to celebrities, strange man, the attractiveness of its content is conceivable



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