《新视野大学英语 读写教程》知识分享.ppt

《新视野大学英语 读写教程》知识分享.ppt

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《新视野大学英语 读写教程》知识分享.ppt

邯郸学院 Handan College;Unit overview;;Unit overview;;Unit 3;Teaching procedure;Demo class;Pair work;;Lead-in activities(15 min);It is about love between ________. The son ______his father very much. We can find it from the lyrics “_________________________” (Urge Ss to say more);2. Work in groups and tell your group members “What kind of father is your father?” (Ask Ss to list words to describe their fathers before showing tips for them. ) ; The text tells a man’s memory of his father. Please scan the text quickly and match each part with its topic. If you find them out, please come to the blackboard to write them down. Remember, there is only one chance for each group. ;____ Paras. 1—2;;1. How did the writer feel to be seen with his father when he was young? Why?;Please sum up the main idea of the whole passage according to that of each part. Work together with your group and report it in the class.;Sample 1: Sample 2: Sample 3: The whole class evaluate these samples together and decide which one is the best. ;The story includes some paragraphs in which the writer starts with a general point and then presents a number of examples to support his point. Look at one of the paragraphs.;Example 1;The general point examples;Example 3; From Reading to Writing;Think – Pair - Share Topic: My father is_________. ; Polish the words;;A good heart; How do people treat crippled people? What about you? (pair work); fairly, look down upon, normal, prejudice, unwanted attention, goodwill, good intension, ill will, ill intension, treat sb. as...,;分小组讨论(每组由一至两个组长组织讨论,讨论时注意做笔记,教师可提供一些表达用语,并参与部分学生的讨论,最后请四至五个小组的代表在班上做总结发言,教师反馈总结);Video-Watching Discussion ;What have we learned or practiced today?;;Thank you ! Have a safe trip home!


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