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LD1117A SERIES LOW DROP FIXED AND ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE (1.15V TYP. @ IOUT = 1A, 25°C) VERY LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT (5 mA TYP. @ 25°C) OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 1A FIXED OUTPUT VOLTAGE OF: 1.2V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V, 5.0V ADJUSTABLE VERSION AVAILABILITY SOT-223 TO-220 (Vrel = 1.25V) INTERNAL CURRENT AND THERMAL LIMIT ONLY 10 µF FOR STABILITY AVAILABLE IN ± 2% (AT 25°C) AND 4% IN FULL TEMPERATURE RANGE HIGH SUPPLY VOLTAGE REJECTION: (80dB TYP. AT 25°C) DPAK TEMPERATURE RANGE: 0°C TO 125°C supplied in: SOT-223, DPAK and TO-220. The DESCRIPTION surface mount packages optimize the thermal The LD1117A is a LOW DROP Voltage Regulator characteristics even offering a relevant space able to provide up to 1A of Output Current, saving effect. High efficiency is assured by NPN available even in adjustable version (Vref=1.25V). pass transistor. Only a very common 10µF Concerning fixed versions, are offered the minimum capacitor is needed for stability. Only following Output Voltages: 1.2V, 1.8V, 2.5V, chip trimming allows the regulator to reach a very 2.85V, 3.3V and 5.0V. The 2.85V type is ideal for tight output voltage tolerance, within ± 2% at 25°C. SCSI-2 lines active termination. The device is Figure 1: Block Diagram Rev. 12 October 2004


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