conflict resolution 3- 圆桌会议.pptx

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conflict resolution 3- 圆桌会议.pptx

更美满婚姻;更美滿婚姻;有关婚姻事实;;;更美滿婚姻;夫妻通常为何事闹意见;金钱;教會怎樣順服基督、妻子也要怎樣凡事順服丈夫。弗5:24;金钱;怎樣做?;如果夫妻不谈这些;更美滿婚姻;夫妻约会;约会交谈原则;我想去的餐馆 我想去的地方 我想做的事情 我想要的东西;我想去的餐馆 我想去的地方 我想做的事情 我想要的东西;夫妻交谈话题;1. Name 6 things you are grateful for. 2. Describe a perfect day off. 3. Describe a secret ambition. When would you like to accomplish this? What is getting in your way? 4. Describe the most fun thing you did as a child. Teenager. Adult. 5. How do you hear God? 6. How long could you go without using your cell phone to check emails, text messages or facebook? 7. How would you like to handle holidays if we didnt have to spend them with our families? 8. How would you prefer I initiate sex? What could I do more or less of during sex? 9. If today was your last day on earth, what would you tell me? 10. If you won a $250 million lottery - how much would you give away, and who would you give it to? 11. Introduce yourself to me in 3 complete sentences. 12. Tell me something you have never told me before. 13. Tell me three things you like most about me. What three things do you wish I would change? 14. What bad habit do you wish you could overcome? What gets in the way? 15. What chores do you wish I would take over for the next month? 16. What could I do that would make you feel like I got you? 17. What could we do to have a better/heathier spiritual life? 18. What do we do well regarding our finances? What do you wish we would do differently? 19. What do you look most forward to about growing old? What do you fear most? 20. What do you wish we would start doing together? 21. What effect do you think technology has had on our relationship? 22. What is Gods purpose(s) for our marriage? 23. What makes you feel loved? 24. What marital advice would you give to our kids? 25. What is the last romantic thing I/you have done for our relationship? 26. What quote do you live your life by? 27. What scares you the most about the way I express anger? The way you express anger? 28. When do you think we should retire? How much


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