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College student voluntary service activity is a significant component of our social voluntary activities. It is also an important content of college moral education. It has a great significance for the development of voluntary work and promotion of moral education by studying the moral function of voluntary activities in Hunan province, analyzing the practical problem and its cause through field research and questionaire and making relevant policy suggestions.
Using documentary research, questionnaire investigation and interview as the basic research methods, this paper firstly illustrates the relevant theories concerning to voluntary service activity and moral education, and analyzes the moral functions of voluntary service activity which promotes the development of voluntary work and moral education. On the basis of voluntary service situation in Hunan province, this paper deeply investigates problems and its causes in the process of voluntary work promotion. Finally, it put forward a series of countermeasures linking to the current requirement of universities.
College student voluntary service activity has crucial moral functions. It is a new way to improve students’ comprehensive quality, a new form to develop campus culture, a new content in moral education, a new place to practice the core values of socialism and a new method to build a harmonious society. But the current voluntary activities have some problems, such as the asymmetry between service scale and population size, the imbalance between service scale and depth, the mismatch between service content and actual demand, the out of synch between activities’ organization and promotion, the discordance between attention and input and the disunity between service purpose and social effect.
Aim at the shortage of voluntary activities, this paper put forward seven policies and suggestions for promoting the sustainable development of voluntary work, including the build of a correct concept of vo
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