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南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 船舶散货运输航次方案优选方法研究及应用 船舶散货运输航次方案优选方法研究及应用 i i ii ii 摘 要 随着国际经济的发展、全球经济的一体化,国际散货航运市场的规模不断扩大,船舶散货 运输业的竞争不断加剧。散货运输市场信息量大、繁杂多变,增大了企业经营管理的难度,各 航运企业都试图通过先进的预测方法来提高航次经济性、航次决策的准确性。因此,需要有满 足船舶散货运输这一特定领域的航次方案优选方法。通过有效的方法指导,公司可以在现有的 能力下,选择合适的方案组合,以获得公司利益的最大化;同时能够在多变的市场下,更加迅 速地做出反应。 本文的针对船舶散货运输中的航次方案优选问题做出研究,将快速地从潜在的商业机会中 找出最优的航次方案组合,以在公司自身的能力约束下获得最大利益作为最终目标。论文从船、 货、港口、公司运营能力这四个方面详细研究了影响航次方案优选的主要因素,并在规则引擎、 背包算法的基础上构建了定性筛选、定量优选的航次方案优选模型,通过调研定义了合理的规 则约束,从而快速地求解航次优选问题。本文还将研究的航次优选方法与南京某租船公司的实 际应用相结合,通过实际业务数据,分析、验证航次优选方法的有效性,并且进一步挖掘了航 次优选方法可能的扩展应用。本课题的研究为远洋运输公司提供了有效的航次方案选择解决方 案,能够大大提高获利能力,降低风险。论文的研究成果具有较高的理论意义和实用价值。 关键词:航次预估,航次决策,规则引擎,背包问题,远洋运输,投资组合 ABSTRACT With the development of the international economy, globalization of commodity markets, and the expanding of the international bulk shipping market, the competition among bulk cargo shipping companies also growing fast. Furthermore, the bulk cargo transport market is very volatile market because of the external environmental factors and characteristics of their own transactions. As a result, the difficulty of shipping company voyage decision is increasing. There needs to be an industry-specific method for optimal voyage selection of bulk cargo shipping in order to maximize the benefits under the operation capacity of the company. As a result, they can respond more quickly to determine the optimal investment portfolio. On the foundation of previously research, the thesis focuses on the research of optimal voyage selection to meet the specific needs of bulk cargo shipping. Firstly, we analysis how cargo, vessel, port and the capacity of company influence the decision. Secondly, based on the rule engine and knapsack problem, we create the corresponding optimal voyage selection model and define reasonable constraint rules to accelerate getting final results. Finally, we take the practical application of optimal voyage selection method in one company in order to verify the effectiveness of the method.



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