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万方数据 万方数据 PAGE IV PAGE IV 万方数据 大学生性别刻板印象威胁对工作记忆的影响 中文摘要 刻板印象是指按照性别、地域、种族或职业等的不同而形成的关于特定群 体的固定印象 ,而刻板印象威胁则是一种处于被负面标签化的情境下的个体经 验。已有大量研究证明了性别刻板印象的普遍性,以及由其产生的性别刻板印 象威胁效应能够显著影响个体的任务成绩。但是,性别刻板印象威胁影响个体 任务表现的机制,至今仍众说纷纭。本研究旨在探讨性别刻板印象威胁对个体 工作记忆的影响,具体分为三个部分: 研究一:采用刻板解释偏差(Stereotypic Explanatory Bias)问卷对在校 大学生进行调查,结果表明大学生内隐学科-性别刻板印象具有普遍性,不存在 性别差异,但存在学科差异和一定的民族差异。 研究二:采用工作记忆操作广度实验证明内隐学科-性别刻板印象威胁对个 体的工作记忆产生消极影响,表现在其任务反应时延长,正确率降低,焦虑感 受性、问题难度感受性以及性别认同威胁感受性升高。这种影响没有性别差异。 研究三:通过 Stroop 任务范式,进一步探讨了学科-性别刻板印象威胁对 工作记忆加工的影响。证明了本研究的分心假设,即个体在多数一致材料呈现 时,Stroop 任务的错误率显著提高。而在多数不一致材料中,反应时没有出现 延长的情况,即本实验结果没有证明反应抑制假设。 关键词:刻板印象;性别刻板印象威胁;工作记忆 I Abstract Stereotype is refers to according to gender, regional, ethnic, or professional, formed by the different fixed impression about specific groups, while the stereotype threat is a negative labels in the situation of individual experience. A large number of studies have shown that the universality of gender stereotypes, and produced by the effect of gender stereotype threat can significantly affect the individual task perform -ance. However, gender stereotype threat effect mechanism of individual task performance, is still debated. This study was to explore the gender stereotype threat to individual working memory. The study is divided into three parts: Studies 1:Stereotypic Explanatory Bias Questionnaire is used to survey of college students, the results show that college students implicit subject - gender stereotypes are universal, there is no gender difference, but there are certain ethnic differences and the difference between disciplines. Studies 2: Working Memory Span Operation experiment proves that the implicit subject - gender stereotype threat has a negative impact on individual working memory, in its longer task reaction time, lower accuracy, even higher sensitivity about anxiety, difficulty of questions and gender identity threat .This effect no gender differences. Studies 3: Through Stroop task paradigm, further discusses the subject - g



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