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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, at the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Professor Jiang Chun, for her constructive advices and useful suggestions during the whole process of writing. The references she recommended to me give me a lot of help to my writing. Moreover, I was sick last year, and got an extension to finish writing my thesis with her help. The encouragement and patience from her impressed me a lot. Secondly, I would like to thank for other teachers and my classmates in UIBE, without their helps I could not finish my study of the master degree. And my special appreciate to my sister, she has made all her efforts to the questionnaires of the study, and polished my paper. Last but not the least, I would also like to thank my parents and my husband. In the past six months I spent a lot of time on my paper, and have no time to accompany them, but they did not complain and always encouraged me. Hu Lan April 2014 ii 摘 要 近年来,商务英语教材评估研究一直是一个热点问题。评估和设计商务英语 教材的理论基础和标准也引起了很大的争议。不同的研究者从不同的角度讨论商 务英语教材。本文以《新世纪商务英语综合教程》(上海外语教育出版社)、《商务 英语综合教程》(高等教育出版社)和《新编剑桥商务英语》(经济科学出版社) 为研究对象,从需求分析、体裁教学和教材编写评估理论这三个角度对三套具有 典型代表性的商务英语教材进行综合评估。 通过问卷调查、统计分析和对比分析,本文得到以下三方面的结论:第一, 商务英语教材的内容和社会需求之间存在一定差距。第二,现在商务英语教材只 包含了部分商务英语体裁,与实际运用的商务体裁类型有一定差距。商务英语教 材应给学生提供更多典型的商务体裁,从而提高学生的知识运用能力。第三,这 三本典型的商务英语教材分别在不同的程度上满足商务英语教材的编写标准。 基于以上研究,作者对商务英语综合类教材评估今后的研究提出了一些建议, 同时提出在教材的需求分析和评估的研究领域还有很多可以进一步探索的空间。 特别是在近两年,被称之为 M00Cs 的大规模网络开放课程席卷全球。这场引发学 习方式变革的革命同时也在挑战我们对于教材的传统设计。虽然教学目标和宗旨 并不会发生颠覆性的变革,但是怎样的教学材料才能更好地辅助在线课程的设计, 怎样的教材才能适应翻转课堂的组织,基于语言知识、商务知识、跨文化交际和 人文素养等方面的人才培养如何在新形势下的商务英语教材中体现值得我们进一 步研究。 关键词:商务英语教材,需求分析,体裁教学法,教材编写标准,教材评估 ABSTRACT The Evaluation of Business English Textbook for University Undergraduate Business English Majored Students Hu Lan In recent years, the study on the evaluation of Business English textbooks has been a hot topic. The criteria for the theoretical basis in the design and evaluation of Business English textbooks seem to cause much dis



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