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结果与试验实测结果拟合非常好,对砂槽内部渗流场特征的刻画与实测渗流场特征一致, 说明所建数值模型是有效、可靠的。利用模型对不同竖井降深下渗流井的出水量进行计 算,分别绘制流量-降深曲线图以及各模拟方案的平面、剖面降深等值线图,得出以下 结论:河流与地下水脱节临界点的竖井降深为 33.685cm;河流与地下水脱节后,模型中 疏干单元由中心向四周、自上而下随着竖井降深的增加不断增多。 关键词:渗流井,大降深,砂槽模拟试验,非饱和渗流,“变饱和渗流-管流耦合模 型”,河流与地下水脱节 ii Abstract Horizontal seepage wells are placed in the riverbed to obtain uninterrupted supply of naturally filtered groundwater through highly permeable saturated riverbed aquifers. Horizontal seepage wells have following advantages over traditional vertical wells, gallery, radial collector wells and other water intake engineering: large water yield, good water quality, the operating cost of the wells tends to be low and has little influence on environment. Owing to these benefits, in recent years, horizontal seepage wells have attracted considerable attention as groundwater supply wells, especially in arid and semiarid regions such as northern Shaanxi. Current calculation model for groundwater flowing to horizontal seepage wells is only applicable to saturated seepage flow, not to unsaturated seepage. The river will be disconnected to groundwater when the pumping rate is greater than the river’s recharge rate, while unsaturated zone exist at the bottom of riverbed. In this paper, based on the National Natural Science Fund Project “Study on calculation model and physical modeling of non-casting-well groundwater-collecting catchment working mechanism”. Through the sand tank physical simulation experiment of horizontal seepage well pumping, further study on horizontal seepage well of deep drawdown has been done, and modeling for groundwater flowing to horizontal seepage well of variably saturated flow. Seepage sand tank, miniature of horizontal seepage well, surveying system, water-cycling system and other equipment are used during the physical simulation test of horizontal seepage well. The simulation test is on three different drawdown of vertical shaft, two rivers of different leakage capacity, and the correspondin



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