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摘要 摘要 I I 摘 要 二氧化硫是大气的主要污染物之一,是造成酸雨的主要原因。火电厂作为二氧 化硫的主要排放源,对其进行脱硫技术改造是保护环境、防止污染物持续大量排放 的重要措施。然而脱硫技术改造通常涉及经济、技术、资源与环境等诸多方面,涉 及多个因素,既有定性的也有定量的,既有确定性的也有不确定性的,是一个复杂 的决策问题。因而,如何立足于燃煤电厂的生产运营实际,科学、合理地分析脱硫 技术改造中所涉及的定性指标与定量因素,评估和优选成本低、效益好、经济适用 且技术先进的脱硫技术改造方案,是控制燃煤电厂二氧化硫排放要首先解决的迫切 问题。 本文基于项目管理的基本理论,结合岱海电厂脱硫改造项目实际情况,对燃煤 电厂脱硫改造项目的主要技术方案进行了分析;在此基础上,结合已有的研究文献 并考虑到岱海电厂自身实际,构建了脱硫技术改造的评价指标体系,利用三角模糊 综合评价方法对岱海电厂可选择的 4 种脱硫技术改造方案进行了综合评价,评价结 果表明应采用石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫技术对岱海电厂进行脱硫技术改造;进一步 对采取该方案进行脱硫技术改造的预期效果进行了评价。 对岱海电厂脱硫技术方案的模糊综合评价,为其选择经济适用的脱硫改造技术 提供了合理的依据,避免了电厂在脱硫改造技术方案选择上的盲目性,为其他类似 燃煤电厂的脱硫技术改造提供了有益的借鉴。 关键词:岱海电厂;脱硫改造;三角模糊数;模糊综合评价 Ab Abstract Abstract Sulfur dioxide is one of the major pollutants of the atmosphere, is the main cause of acid rain. Thermal power plants as a major source of emissions of sulfur dioxide, its transformation is an important measure desulphurization sustained massive emissions of sulfur oxides control. However desulphurization transformation typically involves many aspects of economic, technology, resources and environment, involving a number of factors, both qualitative and quantitative, both deterministic uncertainty there is a complex decision problems. Therefore, how to operate based on the actual production of coal-fired power plants, qualitative indicators and quantitative factors scientific and rational analysis of desulphurization transformation involved, assessment and preferred low cost, effective, affordable and technologically advanced desulphurization transformation program, is an urgent problem to control nitrogen oxide emissions of coal-fired power plants to be addressed first. Based desulphurization plant project Daihai actual situation, the first principle of sulfur oxides generated for analysis, and then combine the theory of project management, targeted comprehensive evaluation. On the index selection, consider both comprehensive and take into consideration from environmental, economic and technical performance of the three, but also with the actual ope



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