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南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 党代会常任制的探索与思考 党代会常任制的探索与思考 I I 摘 要 实行党的代表大会常任制,是健全党的代表大会制度、把党内民主提高到更高水平的一项 重要措施。1988 年起,全国一些地方以县(市、区)为主体,相继进行了党代会常任制试点, 在发挥党代会闭会期间代表作用、加强党内监督、扩大党内民主等方面进行了积极探索。2004 年,南京市白下区分别被江苏省和南京市确定为党代会常任制工作试点区。本文以南京市白下 区试点工作为主要案例,并对比浙江台州、四川雅安、湖北罗田等地开展党代会常任制工作的 主要做法,归纳当前各地开展党代会常任制工作的基本模式,分析存在的差异,以及目前党代 会常任制运行中遇到的问题及原因,主要包括党代会与全委会、常委会关系,与人代会、政协 会的关系不够清;党代会的代表队伍整体素质不够高等问题。以及思想认识尚未统一,传统体 制阻力较大,党内民主发展不够充分,制度建设不够完善等深层次原因,在此基础上,思考进 一步发展和完善党代会常任制的对策建议,主要包括要理清党代会与全委会、常委会,以及与 人代会、政协会的关系,理清党代会代表与选举人的关系;要完善党代会常任制一整套制度, 包括党代会年会制、党代表任期制及其他配套工作制度;要注意培育思想动力、上层动力、下 层动力三个方面动力;要科学设置代表大会的常设机构等。 关键词:党代会 常任制 党内民主 ABSTRACT The implementation of a permanent system for the party congress is an important method of improving the system of the party congress and the democracy within the party to a higher level. Since 1988, some areas throughout the country, composed mainly of counties (cities or districts), have tried out the permanent system for the party congress one by one, and active explorations have been done into such aspects as playing the role of the representatives during the adjournment of the party congress, strengthening the supervision within the party, and enlarging the democracy within the party. In 2004, Baixia District of Nanjing was approved respectively by the Jiangsu Province and Nanjing as the pilot area to launch a permanent system for the party congress. With Baixia District of Nanjing as a case study and compared with the ways of launching the permanent system for the party congress in Taizhou in Zhejiang Province, Yaan in Sichuan Province and Luotian in Hubei Province, the article sums up the basic mode of launching the permanent system for the party congress at present, and analyzes the existing difference as well as the problems currently met in the operation of the permanent system for the party congress and the reason, mainly including the unclear relationship between the party congress and the committee or the standing committee, between the party



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