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Wulagen lead-zinc is a rare and large sedimentary type mine in domestic mines, which mainly adopts non-pillar sublevel caving mining method. Due to the stratabound lead-zinc deposit sand rocks, poor geological condition, weak ore-bearing rock physical and mechanical properties, the mud and calcium cementation joint fissure development between rock particles made the complex geological conditions and the mining condition is also pretty complicated. Meanwhile, the blasting parameters of fan-shaped deep-hole in preliminary mining design has many problems with the actual production situation. Failed to adjust the blasting parameters timely in different area, which leads to poor blasting effect and the ore block can not meet the requirement, when the front holes blasting would badly damage the back holes and makes the subsequent holes difficult to charge, which causes low efficiency and high cost of the blasting, even lead some security problems such as roof fall accident. At the same time, ore-drawing only by experience and the disorder management during the ore-drawing process, which result serious ore dilution loss. In order to achieve the 5000t/d production plan, this paper fully grasp the basic geological conditions and economic conditions of mining technology in the wulagen lead-zinc deposit, combined industrial experiments with the theory of BP neural network to establish a mode in optimizing blasting parameters and reducing blasting cost, and then use the technology of numerical simulation in blasting to study the optimized blasting parameters and guide blasting mining process. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:
Crushing mechanism of fan-shaped deep-hole blasting have analyzed based on the theory of broken rock blasting. Carried out the standard cast blasting funnel test under the conditions of mining geological conditions and technical level, initially identified the explosives consumption is 0.84kg/m3.
On the basis of the standard cast
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