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THE RESEARCH OF DESPOSTON SALTS ORE DEPOSIT BEARING PRESSURE SUBMARINE ROOM AND PILLAR MINING ENGINEERING A dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of MASTER from Shandong University of Science and Technology by Sun Yanan Supervisor: Associate Professor Wen Xinglin Senior Engineer Zhang Zhihui College of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering December,2006 声 明 本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献 外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关 作鉴定。 硕士生签名: 日 期: AFFIRMATION I declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in Shandong University of Science and Technology, is wholly my own work unless referenced of acknowledge. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute. Signature: Date: 摘 要 本文分析了房柱式开采的覆岩移动变形机理,并针对覆岩移动变形机理得出了矿 柱压入底板量、矿柱压缩机制与压缩量、顶板矿柱压缩机制与压缩量和地表的最大下沉 量的计算公式。开采体系的设计,即矿房跨度与矿柱尺寸是设计的核心。通过分析各种 理论及计算方法,采用可靠性设计来确定矿房的跨度和矿柱的尺寸,克服传统设计方法 的缺陷,为房柱式体系的设计提供一种新的思路。对大汶口石膏矿实际情况,合理设计 了矿房和矿柱,计算出地表最大沉降量和下沉系数。首次应用可靠性理论确定了矿房和 矿柱的合理尺寸,为房柱式开采提出了一种新的可靠的设计理论体系。并且通过大量试 验室试验,分析了矿柱的破坏机理。通过分析各种理论及计算方法,根据本区地质采矿 条件,分别确定合理开采上限,以最大限度的增加石膏的回必率,减少资源的浪费。并 通过对突水构造优势面的分析,得出最佳开采上限,确定了合理的断层防水煤柱,结合 本矿区的实际情况,提出了具体的防治水措施。 关键词:房柱式开采 承压水 可靠度理论 突水构造优势面 ABSTRACT This paper analyses the mechanism of movement and deformation in room and pillar system. Through to room column type mining settlement mechanism and influence factor investigation and study, system analysis room column type mining settlement mechanism and room column type mining cap rock subsidence major effect factor. And aimed at the cap rock migration distortion mechanism to obtain the ore column to press in the ledger wall quantity, the ore column compression mechanism and the compression quantity, the roof ore column compression mechanism and the compression quantity and the surface sinks most greatly the quantity. The mining system design, namely the ore room span and the ore column size are the de



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