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食University derivative of enterprise human resources management
‘Major: Business
Postgraduate: Luo Danfeng
Supervised: Wang Chong
Longt阳m sin饵, ourωuntry plenty of science and technology resourlωs ωncentrated in university and other knowl创ge production subjωt, resωrch and In 伽 1980s university d创vative enterprise begins popularity all over 伽 world,由e
university derivative of ent仰dse h制 become an impo此ant way of university of technology 衍ansfl时, university of derivative of enterprise produωnot only 协也e res侃rch frontiers theo叩 and innovative technology h拙 important 由ωr侃侃l
si伊ificance,but also to promote college knowledge and technology
industrialization h制 V阳Y important practical si阴ifican悦In the study of domestic and 如,reign universities in 伽.e process of derivative of enterprise,m础n1y 仙rougb analyzing 伽e university derivative of 削erpri阳 human resourc邮 management present situation,础d poin阳 out 由at university derivative of enterprise human re邵阳何s management,也e existing problems of 也e derivative of ent即prise 伽rough innovation university human resourlωs management mode,enbancing the
qua1ity of human resource management, for realizing the unity of 阳fect ωmbination of importance.
This pap叮 elaborat即in six parts,白e first part is an introduction,proposed
research goals,si阴ifiωnωandωntent,由rough analysis of the literature research
method and analysis of domestic and international research s阳阳s and lackof innovation of 也isp叩er; the second part of defining the relevant 由eoretical
∞nωpts and 也e 也ωretiω1 foundation,pointed out 曲创the nature of university
叩丽, characteristics and development 位朋ds; 也e third part of the University
spin-offωmpani倒也 human resource management problems; fo山也 part ofthe derivative of the University Human Resource Management Analysis,Construction
ofhuman resourω
management model proposed by the relevant reωmmendations; f
由.e fi由hp副食om 伽e empirical p缸spective to human resources manage
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