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I I 摘要 随着信息化时代的到来,电子文档逐渐取代了纸质文件,成为人们日常工作、 学习中必不可少的数据存储方式,随之而来的问题便是如何保证这些电子文档资 料的安全,防止它们被未授权的用户访问或传播。加密技术是一门随着计算机技 术发展而快速发展的科学,通过数据加密来保护重要的电子文档资料,可以有效 地保证电子数据的安全。 Windows 系统自从 80 年代被微软公司开发出来以后,经历了几十个版本的升 级和改进,目前已经成为世界上使用范围最广的个人电脑操作系统。因此 Windows 系统的数据安全也被越来越多的人们重视,微软公司从 Windows 2000 操作系统开 始就增加了针对 NTFS 文件分区的 EFS 加密功能,但由于 EFS 各方面的限制,EFS 数据加密仍未被大多数用户接受。为了克服目前现有 Windows 文件加密系统的各 种使用限制和不足,本文提出了一种全新的基于文件系统过滤驱动的磁盘数据安 全保密系统。 本文设计的磁盘数据安全保密系统(HardDisk enCryption System,HDCS)是 一个专门针对普通用户 PC 机磁盘数据的保密、隐藏和恢复的安全系统。在研究并 分析了 Windows 系统是如何识别磁盘中的文件系统格式的基础上,本系统对非系 统磁盘区进行了比较严谨且高效的加密处理。同时,利用了分层文件过滤驱动技 术,实现了用户所有操作,如文件的读、写、执行等,对用户都是无影响和透明 的,在使用过程中,用户并不会发觉磁盘加过密。此外,本系统还为管理员用户 提供了对特殊文件的隐藏、MBR 恢复等磁盘级的操作功能。 关键词:磁盘保护,文件加密,文件过滤驱动,MBR 保护 II II ABSTRACT With the coming of information-based era, electronic documents gradually replaced the paper ones to be the absolutely necessary data storage mode in daily work and study. What accompanies the change is how to ensure the security of these electronic files, preventing the access or spread by the unauthorized users. Encryption is a rapid development science with the development of computer technology, which primary mission is to protect these important electronic documents to ensure the security of electronic data by data encryption. Windows, developed by Microsoft in 1980s, has now become the most extensive used personal computer operating system in the world after experiencing dozens of versions of the upgrades and improvements. So Windows data security has been paid attention by more and more people, Microsoft developed EFS encryption for the NTFS file partition from the beginning of Windows 2000, but data encryption has not yet been accepted by the most users because of the restrictions of the EFS. In order to overcome the restrictions and lack of use of the existing file encryption system, we designed a new hard disk encryption system based on Windows Device Driver. In HDCS, we adopted a combination of hardware and software method to improve the sec



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