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PAGE 精品 大整数乘法的实现与分析 精品 摘 要 随着计算机信息安全要求的不断提高,密码学被大量应用到生活中。RSA、ElGamal、DSA、ECC 等公钥密码算法和数字签名算法都建立在大整数运算的基础上,比较耗时的大整数乘法、除法、模乘、幂运算、幂乘等运算却被上述算法大量使用,它们的运算速度对这些算法的高效实现起着重要的作用,如何快速实现上述几种运算是公钥密码领域普遍关注的热点问题。 本文基于32位的系统,首先采用模块化的思想建立大整数运算库的基础框架,在实现一些辅助函数后在此框架上讨论并实现多精度大整数的基本加法、减法、乘法、除法、平方算法、缩减、模乘、模幂乘等算法。所用程序均采用C/C++语言编写,所采用的优化也均建立在C/C++语言这一层面上,在保证算法有足够高的效率的同时力求代码清晰易懂,函数接口简单明了,具有可移植性和稳定性。 关键词:多精度大整数,Comba,Montgomery,二分查找,笔算 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于企业项目。 Abstract Nowadays, as computer information security requirements improve continuously, the cryptology has been widely applied to life. Public key cryptographic algorithms and digital signature algorithms such as RSA, ElGamal, DSA, ECC are all base on multiple precision arithmetic. Multiple precision multiplication, Division, modular multiplication ,exponen- tiation, modular exponentiation which need more working time is used by public key cryptographic algorithms widely, their speed is very important to the implementations of those algorithms. How to fast implement those arithmetic above is the hot topic in the public key cryptographic field. This paper is based on the 32 bit system. First of all, we found the modular foundation of multiple precision arithmetic library; After some auxiliary function is formed, we discuss and implement the multiple precision integer basic addition, Subtraction,multiplication, , kinds of square algorithms,division,reduction, and some relational function. All the algorithm discuss in this paper is implement entirely in portable ISO C/C++and the optimization of those algorithms implementations is built on the C/C++ language level. the algorithm has high enough to ensure the efficiency of the code at the same time strive to clearly understand, simple interface function with portability and stability. Key words: Multiple Precision Integer,Comba,Montgomery,Binary search, Written calculation 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc230428906 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc230428906 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc23042890



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