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111ick a11d incompact quatcImary sediInents iIl Yang暾River delta create a cofnplex aqllif.er systcm.Because也e horizontal now b删er amund the deep foundation pit is d湎clllt to penetmte i“co mc bo讹m of the aquifer,deep fbluldation
pit dewatering llsually uses panially pcne仃atingⅥ忙lls and this results in very complex changes in gr01mdwater seepage谢Ⅱl obvious charac衄istic of山ree—dimensional now Ana】ysis metllod a11d two—dimensional model have not contemed simlllation and
prediction demond ofdeep founda廿on pit any more.
Aiming at deep foundation pit dewatering in complicated q硼temary loose sediments witll目eat tllickrless,血ree—dimensional n眦e“cal simuIation meories of
de印foundation pit dewatering has been discussed柚d a deep research has been done by using fInite eIement metIlod.‘RemoVe mw aIld column’and‘put a big n砌ber’ have been used for the first bolllldary;a cominuous RegionalIdent讯cation Function is used on the basis of non—vaTiant nodal virtual nux method fbr the f}ee surfhce
bollndary;Gauss fbnIluIa is used to make ttle curved sllrface integml of the舭e su怕ce bouIldary仃ansfbHned as the di恐rence be柳een VoIumn integral肌d other cuⅣed surface imegral to calculate the inte黟al item on boundaries,which avoid访g
finding the posmon of fke surf她e,w11ile the continuous Regional Identification Function is applied to calculate v01umn inte目al and sⅢface inte伊al;Crout a11d PCG method is used fbr solusion.Then three—dimensional transient con矗ned and
uncon丘ned seepage analysis procedure is developed.
ne procedure is印plied in铆o projects:(1)shan曲ai Huanqiu fin姐ce center tower foIlndation pit dewatering,the complicated now state of伊。吼dwater is
siIlllllated under these conditions whichⅡle aquifers deposite Iayer by layer,t11e bottom of tbe aqllifcrs goes deep to 149m,me horizontal now ba埘er goes de印to 34m,the ex订action wells are pene廿ated to 55m,Ⅱle filters ofthe extmction wells are localed bet、veen 34m to 55m,and me water leVel in the deep fbundation p
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