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人制度和人格否认制度进行具体的阐述并结合我国公司法等相关法律对公 司人人格否认理论方面的具体规定。
第二章首先就介绍了董事的义务和董事的民事责任,及民事责任的性 质。通过对上述几个问题的论述,笔者认为董事不仅对公司本身存在义务 和责任,其对公司外部的第三人也是存在责任的。然后再论述董事对公司 外部第三人的责任可否通过公司法人格否认制度来实现。最后再论述公司 人格否认制度的主体公司董事的责任依据和国外的司法实践。
第三章为本文的结尾部分,就是通过上面两章的论述,说明在特定的 情况下,这种特定情况即是指当公司人格被否认之后,公司的债权人债权 不能通过人格否认制度来救济,或者适用该制度追究其股东责任,最终却 发现其股东就是公司本身的情况下,这种时候公司债权人是可以要求公司 董事或对其承担责任。
关键词:公司法人格否认 公司股东 公司董事 公司债权人 责任主体
Study of Liability Subject Under the circumstance of disregard of corporate personality
The company is the most typical enterprise organization form in modern society, it is adapted to the needs of economic development, avoids the shortcomings of partnership enterprises , stimulates social investment , improves the trade convenience, which greatly promotes the development of social economy. Because of this, the company has had a significant influence on the world economy, politics and culture.
In 2005, for the first time, the theory of the disregard of corporate personality system had been incorporated into the legal system of China in the revised Company Law of the PRC article twentieth paragraph third, such
a move on the corporate personality denial of law is a great progress for the theory development in China .However, the faultiness and imperfection of legislation lead to the shortage of this system in operating judicial practice. In all
the laws and regulations related to the company , Liability subject of
corporation personality denials only restricted to the kind of shareholders,but in the actual judicial practice,it is not only the shareholders,but also the other subjects related the company operating who is the owner of the company or
the actual bearer of the company operating results.
Therefore, the author thinks the scope is quite narrow if the legal norms of the company personality denial system only stipulates shareholder liable to
the creditors of the company in the case of the corporat
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