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摘要 摘要 摘要 飞行器在临近空间飞行过程中会产生等离子鞘套,引起测控通信中断。为了 研究等离子鞘套对通信信号的影响,需要建立包括流场、天线和通信等专业软件 组成的综合通信仿真平台。但在整个仿真计算过程中,需要大量的时间与计算机 资源,因此通过并行计算提高等离子鞘套环境下综合通信仿真平台的计算资源利 用率具有重要意义。 本文从软件开发视角完成了等离子鞘套下综合通信仿真平台的需求分析,并 采用集群网络环境下的并行计算技术,设计并实现了等离子鞘套下综合通信仿真 并行计算平台。 本文首先针对于等离子鞘套下综合通信仿真中仿真计算的需求,将仿真计算 任务划分为流场仿真计算任务和天线辐射特性仿真计算任务,确定了平台的目标 需求,设计了分层的软件总体结构,并对平台所要实现的功能进行了面向对象的 分析与设计。然后,给出了该平台具体的设计方案与实现方法,主要阐述了基于 两层数据准则的数据通信管理,主动与被动资源信息更新相结合的基于动态负载 平衡的计算节点资源管理,以及在机群网络中进行并行任务管理的设计原理及实 现方案。最后,对等离子鞘套下综合通信仿真并行计算平台进行了功能测试,并 对平台能够完成预期目标进行了验证。 关键词: 综合仿真 网络并行 集群 设计与实现 Ab Abstract Abstract During the aircraft flighting in the near space, the plasma sheath is produced and causes the communication interrupt. In order to study the influence of the plasma sheath upon the communication signals, the integrated communication simulation platform is established including the flow field, antenna and communication professional software. However, it will need a large number time and resources in the simulation process. Therefore, using the parallel computing to improve the computational resource utilization rate of the integrated communication simulation platform under the environment of plasma sheath is significant. The paper completes the requirement analysis of the integrated communication simulation platform under the plasma sheath from the perspective of software development, and design and implement integrated communication simulation parallel computing platform under the plasma sheath. Firstly, the paper analyzes the requirements of the simulation in the integrated communication simulation under the plasma sheath, and the simulation task is divided into flow field and radiation characteristic of antenna. And it gives the goals and requirements of the system. According to demand, layered software structure is designed, and functions are analyzed and designed based on object-oriented. Secondly, it offers the design project and realization ways of this platform. The paper mainly elaborates the design principle and r



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