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万方数据 万方数据 中文摘要 当前,伴随我国经济发展进入新常态,地质调查工作步入了改革发展的关键 期。地质调查需要主动适应新常态下国家能源结构调整的要求,遵循经济社会发 展的客观规律,进一步从国家需求出发,调整地质工作方向。因此,进一步深化 地质调查体制机制改革,逐步建立并完善符合地质工作特点的绩效管理机制,成 为公益性地质调查科研事业单位的迫切需要。 公益性地质调查科研事业单位承担着国家基础性、公益性地质调查工作任 务,为适应新时期国家对公益性地质工作的需要,提高地质事业单位效率和活力, 近年来一直致力于绩效考核制度的建立与完善。 本文以 A 单位的绩效管理体系为主要研究对象,结合公益性地质调查工作的 特点,通过文献分析、实践比较、访谈调查等方法对 A 单位绩效管理体系实施现 状进行初步分析,试图总结目前绩效管理取得的成效和主要存在问题。例如急需 完善地调科研成果评价体系、如何量化业务和管理服务工作的效率和水平、怎样 建立有效的人才激励机制等等。这些实际问题成为绩效管理工作的重点和难点。 针对存在问题,提出了优化 A 单位绩效管理体系对策建议,包括改革思路、改革 措施等,将单位目标与部门目标进行统一起来,在目标设置中充分体现公益性的 特点,针对不同部门、不同岗位的工作内容,对绩效考核指标体系进行初步设计, 具体阐述了业务与管理人才双重激励机制的建设思路,为其他公益性地质调查科 研事业单位的绩效改革提供借鉴。 关键词:地质调查 科研事业单位 绩效管理体系 绩效考核 ABSTRACT At the present, under the new situation of the new normal of our national economy development, the geological survey work has entered a critical period of reform and development. The economic new normal put forward new requirements on the geological survey, which demands taking the initiative to adapt to the new requirements of the adjustment of the national energy structure under the new normal. Based on the national demands further, it is necessary to follow the objective laws of economic and social development and grasp the direction of the geological work under the new situation. Therefore, as to the scientific research institution, engaged in the public welfare geological survey work, it is urgent to further deepen the reform of the mechanism of the geological survey work and establish as well as improve the performance management mechanism with geological work characteristics gradually. In order to satisfy the needs and improve the efficiency and vigor of the public welfare geological work in the new ear, public scientific research institution of the geological survey bears the task of the national basic and public welfare geological work. And all these efforts are always being done. Through the methods of literature analysis, practical comparison and interview survey, the dissertation set A as the study object to carry



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