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This paper also tries to build a low-carbon tourism system index system and evaluate those indexes by questionnaires, superiority chart and fuzzy synthesis evaluation methods. Eventually, the development level of low-carbon tourism system and its four subsystems can be represented by scores, which will reflect the defection of index system intuitively. In this paper, the author builds multi-synchronic game theoretical model and sequential game theoretical model including four subjects as tourists, tourism residents, tourism enterprise and government in the ideal situation with the introduction of games theory. Then, combined with the analysis of development stages of low-carbon tourism, the author proposes the development model of low-carbon tourism in stages On the basis of the above studies, empirical research studies were carried out. The dissertation took national low-carbon tourism pioneer-Huangshan Scenic Areaas an case study. The author collected data to construct multi-index system to evaluate the current development level of low-carbontourism, then propose several countermeasures to perfect the low-carbon tourism system of Huangshan Scenic Area. Key words: Low-carbon tourism system, System dynamics, Index system, Game model, Development model 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景及意义1 1.2 低碳旅游研究综述6 1.3 本文的研究思路及方法12 1.4 研究内容及主要创新点14 第二章 低碳旅游系统研究的理论基础 17 2.1 低碳旅游系统研究的基础概念17 2.2 低碳旅游研究的基础理论19 2.3 本章小结26 第三章 低碳旅游系统的系统研究 28 3.1 低碳旅游系统的构成28 3.2 低碳旅游系统运行分析42 3.3 低碳旅游系统仿真研究53 3.4 本章小结63 第四章 低碳旅游系统的评价研究 65 4.1 低碳旅游系统评价概述65 4.2 低碳旅游系统指标体系的构建66 4.3 低碳旅游系统评价模型的构建72 4.4 本章小结76 第五章 低碳旅游系统的发展模式研究 77 5.1 低碳旅游系统发展模式的主体77 5.2 低碳旅游发展模式主体的博弈80 5.3 低碳旅游系统发展模式84 5.4 本章小结90 第六章 低碳旅游系统的实证研究 92 6.1 黄山风景名胜区发展低碳旅游的基本条件92 6.2 黄山风景名胜区低碳旅游发展水平评价94 6.3 黄山风景名胜区低碳旅游系统完善与优化对策109 6.4 本章小结 110 第七章 结论与展望 112 7.1 主要结论 112 7.2 研究展望 113 参考文献 119 发表论文和参加科研情况说明 128 致 谢129 第一章 第一章 绪论 天津大学博士学位论文 天津大学博士学位论文 PAGE PAGE 13 PAGE PAGE 10 第一章 绪论 1.1 研究背景及意义 研究背景 ⑴旅游低碳化是旅游业可持续发展的必要条件 近年来,我国经济的发展推进全民旅游时代的到来,据《2012



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