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I I 摘 要 中小微企业自身还款能力不强又缺乏有效担保,难以获得银行贷款;日益充 足的民间资本在股市、房市等市场遭受严格调控的情况下,急需找到新的投资渠 道;互联网技术的推广和普及为公众提供了广阔的沟通平台。种种环境和背景使 得个人对个人网络借贷平台应运而生并迅速发展。 个人对个人网络借贷(P2P 网络借贷)以互联网为依托,为小额民间借贷提供 信息平台,免去传统的金融媒介,促使借贷双方直接达成交易,是一种新型金融 服务模式。P2P 网络借贷一定程度上缓解了中小微企业和中低收入人群融资难的 困境,为中产小富阶级提供新的投资管道,同时,丰富了我国信贷市场的位阶, 实现了金融脱媒的创新,是现有银行体系的有益补充。 然而,相关法律法规的空白、行业自律规则的缺失、个人信用体系的不健全、 监管机制的匮乏,以及 P2P 网络借贷在发展中暴露出的各样风险,甚至恶性事件, 已经引起相关部门和业内人士的高度重视。 本文通过以下五大部分,分析 P2P 网络借贷的法律地位并提出监管建议: 第一部分,介绍 P2P 网络借贷的兴起背景和发展现状。 第二部分,介绍 P2P 网络借贷的概念和特征,并以国内外主要网贷平台为代 表,归纳网贷平台的三种主要运营模式。 第三部分,分析 P2P 网络借贷模式中蕴藏的各类法律关系,并分析各类 P2P 网络模式下的具体法律关系。 第四部分,分析 P2P 网络借贷模式中存在的各类风险,并分析国外风险防范 机制,为国内网贷平台学习借鉴。 第五部分,借鉴美国证监会的监管措施,提出完善国内 P2P 网络借贷的监管 建议。 笔者认为,P2P 网络借贷作为金融改革的创新产物,在允许自由发展的前提 下,嵌入有效适当的监管为 P2P 网络借贷提供指引和导向,有利于其健康发展。 关键词: 个人对个人网络借贷,金融脱媒,个人对个人网络借贷的法律监管。 II II Abstract Peer-to-peer Lending was born following a rapid development under the circumstances that Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises have difficulty in acquiring bank loans for their weak capacity to repay and lack of sufficient security; increasingly abundant private capital is in badly need of new investment channels with strict governmental regulation and control of stock market and house market and the popularization of internet technology broaden the platform for communication. Peer-to-peer Lending is a new type of financial service model, providing information of debit and credit through internet so as to facilitate two trading parties to reach an agreement, in which process the financial intermediary is spared. To some extent, Peer-to-peer Lending assists Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and moderate and low-income citizens to relieve the stress of financing and provides the middle class rich for a new investment channel. Meanwhile, Peer-to-peer Lending supplements the existing banking system, enriches the mechanism of domestic credit market and realizes the innovation of financial disintermediation. However, there is no relevant laws and regulations in the field of Peer



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