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Power equipment operation fault statistics show that the insulation structure of the damage is one of the main causes of transformer faults. Therefore improving the reliability of transformer and carrying on the reasonable analysis of insulation have become a very important part in transformer designs. However, insulation structure analysis is an important and complex technical problem in transformer structure analysis. For the main insulation, between the coils, especially the coil ends with the complexity of the electric field distribution, so that the distribution of the electric field has great significance for the analysis and design of insulation structure. The research content is presented in this context.
A 500kV power transformer end insulation structure was simplified reasonably. Calculation model was established using electric universal software ElecNet and special software EF2D, and the main insulation electric field distribution was obtained by numerical calculation and analysis. The insulation margin was calculated, and the influencing factors of electric power transformer end insulation structure were analyzed in this paper. By comparing the calculation results of two kinds of software and test the validity of the calculation method and software, is of great significance for the insulation of the power transformer design. An 110kV power transformer fault was analyzed, it was concluded that the main insulation small margin for its main reason for the failure, and the improvement of the original structure were proposed.
In this paper, the 3D model was established for the same 500kV transformer of the end insulating structure and the electric field distribution was obtained by numerical calculation.
According to the comparison of 2D and 3D results , we know that ignoring the lead、clamps
and so on, two-dimensional electric field can instead of the three- dimensional electric field calcul
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