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摘要 摘要 万方数据 万方数据 摘要 经济全球化的不断扩展和生产工业化程度的不断提高,带来了生态系统的 严重破坏,人类生存环境在恶化,生态文明建设日益成为人们关注的焦点。西 方资本主义国家较早地进入工业化进程,也首先遇到了生态问题,西方有良知 的学者最先敏锐观察到了这一问题,并进行了各种哲学上的反思。我国作为后 起的高速发展中大国,在投入现代化的进程中也不可避免的遇到了生态环境问 题。如何正确看待西方学者关于生态建设的思想,改造其中不适合我国现有国 情的过时理论,发展出适合我国生态文明建设的哲学思想,是摆在社会转型时 期中国学者面前的时代课题。 应该说,改革开放以来,我国的生态文明建设取得了巨大的成就,但也不 可避免地存在着严峻的生态困境。我们力图在马克思主义哲学理论中挖掘出富 有指导意义的生态观和科技生态思想,特别是从科技生态的角度寻求应对生态 文明建设的新要求,以此为基础,重新认识科技的作用,展示马克思主义科技 生态思想对当前生态文明建设的启示和意义;同时,通过探讨当前马克思主义 中国化的生态思想,进一步深化对马克思主义中国化之科技生态思想的研究, 包括十八大关于建设“美丽中国”的思想和当今“中国梦”思想的探讨,目的 在于展示马克思主义中国化的生态思想与马克思主义哲学生态思想的历史性、 继承性和发展性。 关键词:生态文明建设 科技 人与自然 中国梦 I 华侨大学硕士学位论文 华侨大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Abstract Abstract The construction of ecological civilization is increasingly becoming the focus of attention because of the fact that the destroying of ecological systems and the deteriorating living environment caused by the extension of economic globalization and the improvement of industrial production. The western capitalist countries went through this process earlier and met ecological problem, some scholars who have a conscience keenly observed it had taken reflections on various philosophical. There is no doubt that China is experiencing the ecological problem as high-speed large developing countries. The topic of the times that Chinese scholars are facing now is how to treat the viewpoint of western and develop a philosophy of ecological civilization construction of China by remold the unadaptable and outmoded the western theory or open up new areas. Even though we had made great achievements in the construction of ecological civilization after reform and open policy, the problem is still severe. We are trying to dig out the full significance of the ecological concept and technology-ecological thought in Marxist philosophy, especially the new requirements of the construction of ecological civilization from the technology and ecology. And then re-understanding of the role of science and technology, demonstrate the current ecological civilization co



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