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万方数据 万方数据 公司社会责任法律监管研究 论文摘要 我们生活的这个时代确实是“责任”的时代,群体力量的觉醒和强大必须 从法律层面对其享有的权利予以明确,对权利义务的规范化指引必须明确法律 责任的承担。因公司力量的强大和公司对社会生活的巨大影响,必须对公司的 社会责任予以足够的重视。将公司社会责任的研究提升到法律监管的高度,不 仅可以强化公司履行社会责任的观念,而且还能以此为契机强化公司的独立地 位,形成公司、社会、政府三者之间的良性互动。对公司社会责任法律监管的研 究是探索推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的有益尝试,是创新社会管理,缓 解社会矛盾的一剂良方,更是进一步将市场经济落实为法治经济的关键步骤。 论文写作是以法律监管作为切入点来研究公司的社会责任问题。通过结合 新形势下中国公司面临的国内信任危机和国外接轨问题,在对公司社会责任的 各种理论学说和法律监管的种种制度模式进行对比分析的基础上,分析中国的 实际情况,批判地借鉴国外公司社会责任的监管实践,探究我国立法和监管层 面的问题,进而寻求与我国国情兼容的社会责任理念和公司监管模式。 关键词:公司;社会责任;法律监管;法治经济;治理 I Legal regulation of corporate social responsibility ABSTRACT We live in an era of responsibility; the power of group should be defined from legal perspective. The normalization of duty and right should be directed by legal responsibility. Corporate responsibility must be given more attention to because of the mightiness of corporate and the influence of corporate to society. The study of the corporate social responsibility from the legal regulation perspective can not only enhance the concept to fulfill social responsibility, but also improve the status of the corporate dependence in order to achieve the proper interaction of corporate, society and government. The purpose of supervision of corporate social responsibility is to explore the processing of state governance and governance ability. It will release the social contradiction and it is very important for the change of marketing economy to legal economy. The thesis focuses on the legal supervision to analyze social responsibility. By combining the crisis of confidence at home and integration at abroad, the thesis is to analyze problem of the legislation and supervision. It is also based on the practical situation and critically thinking the practice of corporate social responsibility. The purpose is to find a system of corporate supervision model that is suitable for our own country. KeyWords: corporation;social responsibility;legal regulation;the rule of law economy;governance II 目 录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 论文摘要.



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