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Classified Index:TP242.2 .: 621.914.32 Dissertation for the Master Degree of Engineering High Speed and High Precision Motion Control for XY Table in Industrial Applications Candidate:Cheng Wei Candidate: Cheng Wei Supervisor: Prof. Zexian Academic Degree Applied for: Master of En Specialty: Control Scie Affiliation: Shenzhen Gr Date of Oral Examination: June, 2008 University: Harbin Instit nce and Engineering aduate School ute of Technology I I 摘 要 本文主要研究了 XY 位置系统的运动控制问题。XY 平台在现代工业中应用相 当广泛,并且随着现代工业的急速发展,工业界对高速高精度加工制造的需求越来 越大,在高速运行条件下系统的跟踪误差与轮廓误差控制变得非常重要。许多研究 者提出了一些不同的方法有效的针对这些问题。但工业应用中的控制器结构大多被 PID 控制架构所限制,如何在现有架构下定义并解决这些问题,找到一套系统的方 法得到可以接受的控制结果,将是本文尝试的工作。本文将采用基于模型的控制方 案,从单轴系统建模开始,先将模型作为多质量系统简化并讨论了模型误差;接着 通过两种不同的辨识方法,分别得到了系统模型;然后,基于这个模型及其误差分 析,分别使用内模控制和二自由度控制确定了单轴系统的速度环与位置环控制参数, 并得到了很好的控制效果;最后,讨论了双轴系统轮廓误差的控制问题,并通过采 用交叉耦合控制得到了较好仿真效果。 关键字:XY 位置系统;PID 控制;交叉耦合控制 II II ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned with the motion control of XY positioning systems. Such a system can be found in many applications. And since the rapid development of modern industries has resulted in more demand on high-speed and high accuracy manufacturing systems, the tracking and contour errors become more important problems at these high operation speeds. A number of different approaches have been proposed by various researchers that attempt to effectively address these problems. But most controllers in industrial applications are of PID structure, solving these problems under the PID structure and giving a systematic method will be the task of this thesis. In this thesis, the various techniques that have been developed in minimizing and eliminating tracking and contour errors are reviewed and then the system modeling, identification and controller tuning on velocity loop and position loop will be presented. Finally, CCC control based on PID structure for XY contour control will be discussed. Keywords: XY position system, PID control, Cross-Coupled Control (CCC) PAGE PAGE IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T



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