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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 随着我国经济的不断发展,城市化进程在不断推进,建设用地与环境之间 的冲突点不断加强,容积率越来越高,绿化用地越来越少,建设用地朝更高的楼 层发展,建设密度越来越大。如何扩大绿化面积,改善人们的居住环境,成为当 今社会发展的一大发展瓶颈,也是当今社会发展必须解决的当务之急。 一方面,容积率加大,建筑密度加大,留给绿化的面积越来越少;另一方面, 随着我国汽车产业的迅猛发展,我国小汽车保有量不断攀升,个别城市为了控制 汽车增长数量,采取了限号措施。城市中车位难求的情况屡见不鲜。为了满足规 划指标规定的停车位数量,房产商都在建设地下停车场。将停车场转移到地下是 大势所趋,地下室的面积在不断的增加,地下室顶板的景观设计也成为当今景观 设计的重要部分。 本文首先阐述地下车车库顶板景观设计的发展历史以及现状,提出研究的主 体和目标,对研究框架进行研究;然后对地下车库顶板的景观设计元素基本特征 进行描述;重点对景观设计中的组成要素排水、地形、植物、水景、构筑物、消 防车道、硬质铺装在设计中容易发生和遇到的问题进行总结归纳,将景观元素的 设计思路整理清晰;对地下车库顶板与非地下车库顶板两区域连接处需要注意的 问题以及如何处理进行总结,将设计和施工中存在的经验和归纳贯于其中,为地 下车库顶板的景观设计建立系统性的总结经验。最后以实际案例御景狮城项目、 包头正翔国际项目为例,讲述如何开展地下车库顶板景观设计过程。在文章的结 尾,作者根据在实际工作中总结的地下车库顶板景观设计目前存在的不足和问 题,提出了自己的建设性意见。 关键词: 地下车库顶板 景观设计 研究 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of our country’s economy, in advancing the process of urbanization, the construction land and the environment of the conflict between continuously strengthen, plot ratio is higher and higher, less and less, afforesting land for construction land in the development of the higher floors of the building, the building density is bigger and bigger. How to expand the green area, improve peoples living environment, has become a development bottleneck, the development of todays society is imperative in todays social development must solve. On the one hand,the volume rate of increase,building density and green area increased,leaving less;on the other hand,the development of China’s automobile manufacturing industry,China’s car ownership continues to rise,the individual city in order to control the increasing number of cars,take a limited number of measures.City parking demand situation it is often seen. In order to meet the number of parking spaces planning guidelines,the development in building underground parking lot.Will be transferred to the underground parking lot is represent the general trend , the basement area increasing,the landscape design of the basement roof has become an important part of modern landscape design. At first, this paper expo



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