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摘 要 随着计算机和网络的高速发展,企业内部的信息量也急剧膨胀,使得信息的搜索工 作变得极为繁琐。如何在这些杂乱的信息中找出对企业有用的信息变得更为重要。而在 这些信息中,结构化的数据信息所占的比例并不是很大,很多都分布在不同的地方,相 互之间的链接也比较少,传统的搜索引擎处理起来比较困难。利用企业级搜索引擎,用 户能够快速而高效的获取精确的搜索结果。 本文首先介绍了企业搜索引擎的发展历史和国内外的研究现状,接着深入探讨了构 建搜索引擎的相关技术,包括网络爬虫、中文分词、索引和检索技术等。然后又通过企 业搜索引擎的特点介绍,简要介绍了构造企业搜索引擎需要注意的问题。 本文在分析企业搜索引擎的特点和研究其关键技术的基础上,主要做了以下工作: (1)通过研究网络爬虫技术,并根据实际的应用对网络爬虫的扩展和定制,成功将实 例中的网页抓取下来。 (2)通过研究中文分词技术,处理抓取到的网页,构建分词词典,为下文建立索引做 好准备。 (3)通过对 Solr 的研究与使用,逐一遍历网页,将网页数据一一建立索引,并保存到 索引文件中,用户通过查询模块获得相关的信息,并展示给用户。 (4)设计并实现了一个用于企业内部的搜索引擎。在本文最后,通过该实例,给出了 基于 Solr 的企业搜索引擎的基本架构。经过实验验证,该搜索引擎在查全率和查准率上 都有很好的提高。 关键词:企业搜索引擎,中文分词,网络爬虫,Solr ABSTRACT With the rapid development of computers and networks, the amount of information within the enterprise has expanded. It makes the search of information becomes extremely cumbersome. How to find useful business information from these messy information becomes more and more important than ever before. But in these information, the proportion of structured data is not very large, and many of which are located in different places. The link between these information become less and the traditional search engine is difficult to process these information. Use enterprise search engine, user can access to accurate search results quickly and efficiently. In this paper, we firstly introduced the history of enterprise search engine and the research status at home and abroad. At the same time, we studied about the relation technology of build search engine in depth, including web crawler、Chinese word segmentation、index and retrieval technology and so on. Then introduce the enterprise search engine’s characteristics. At last, we brief introduce some question about how to build enterprise search engine. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of enterprise search engine and the study of core technology, the primary works of this thesis are as follows: Through the research of web crawler technology, we have made an expansion and custom of web crawler according to actual



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