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AbstI氇ctIntemet AbstI氇ct Intemet has become one ofⅡle impona|1t infomation in讹stmcnlre in society,it is closely linked to ollr life,and it is锄importam long-distance tmsmission media for sh鲥ng infomation.At the same血ne,with the development of computer tcchn耐ogy,che印,V“ous sjze deIicate embeded eqllipment has been extensiveIy 印plied,mese applications whjch Ileed to connect to the nctwork are growing rapidly, therefore,embeded systems with t11e network protocol have become an important direction. Lots of embeded equipmems connected to the network have made IPv4 address shortage increasingly,IPv6 has not only a good solution addrcsses shortage, but also with non—state addresses automatic configuration,quality of service,safety, and otber aspects adVamages as an embedded equipment interconnection preferred. Based on SkyEye platforIn,thjs anicle explained t11e mechanisms how to realize II~6 protocol stack in an embedded system with l曲ited resources,t11e protoc01 stack including lPv6,ICMPv6,neighbour discovery,and it expands TCP and UDP module,.it has small code size,ms witll small RAM,“is a unjversal solution, a11d it is transplantable and expaIlsible for t}le use of IPv6 in aIl embedded equipment.Further more,t}lis mesis 1ist out some importallt data sm】ctllres,pmcess flowiⅡg锄d system iIlted如es etc.,pmVide of some kemel pmcessing now and new Views;For some co幽sion process points,flowing chan of each pmcessing step are taken.Finally,we have analyse IPv6 throu曲酽abbing package,compared IPv6 wim IPV4 on pe渤rmaIlce,t【le exp鲥mems proVed t11砒w曲01lr protocol, Ⅱ1e embedded equi—nent call work properly, Keywol。ds:Embedded Systcm,IPv6,lCMPv6,Neighbor DiscoveI_), 11 第一章绪论第一章绪论 第一章绪论 第一章绪论 1.1论文的研究背景 1.1.1嵌入式系统的定义 嵌入式系统诞生于微型机时代,经历了漫长的独立发展的单片机道路,为了 区别于原有的通用计算机系统,把嵌入到对象体系中,实现对象体系智能化控制 的计算机,称作嵌入式计算机系统。通用计算机系统与嵌入式计算机系统的专业 化分工的发展,导致了20世纪末、2l世纪初计算机技术的飞速发展。计算机专 业领域集中精力发展通用计算机系统的软、硬件技术,不必兼顾嵌入式应用要求, 这表现在通用微处理器迅速从286、386、486到奔腾系列;操作系统则迅速扩张 计算机基于高速海量的数据文件处理能力,使通用计算机系统进入到尽善尽美阶 段。而嵌入式计算机系统则走上了一



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