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山东大学硕士学位论文了实现过程。 山东大学硕士学位论文 了实现过程。 详细介绍了.NET框架的原理及特点,并分析了它的优势所在。平 台应用.NET中的DirectShow技术进行音频和视频的捕获及回放:利用 PInvoke技术调用非受控的WIN32 DLL代码;.N盱组件通过coM Interop 技术与COM组件进行通信;在.NET的通用语言规范基础上实现多种编 程语言集成。在实现过程中讨论了.NET Remoting和RTP/RTCP的原理 以及在数据传输中的应用,重点叙述了sIP协议栈的设计及实现。 在平台基础之上,实现了一个多层结构的网络多媒体实时监控系 统实例,主要功能包括文件传输、屏幕监视、屏幕广播、音频广播、 远程硬件控制和远程软件启动。 关键词:多媒体网络通信,远程监控,.NET框架.。NET Remoting U ABSTRACTwith ABSTRACT with the development of讯uitimedia technologies, computer techn01 ogies and network technologies,it has been possible to transport di gital audio and videe data on network in real time. The multimedia real—time monitor—control platform of network integrates audio and Vi deo compress techn0109y,real time transport t echn0109y and remote control technology.It can be used wi delY and can extend itself to many appli cations such as remote teaching,video conference,etc. First,thi s paper introduces telated techn0109i es iticl uding.NET Framework teehn0109y,choices of transport media and transport protocol,.NET Remoting techn0109y and muitimedia data processing techn0109y,etc.Second,the methods and process of real i zation are di scussed.At 1ast.we show a remote control sYstem instahoe based on the platform and give a brief introduction of i ts strueture and functiorl. Through studying the multimedia communi cation on network and remote control t8chn0109ies,thi s paper proposes a hi erarchi cal model of the NUltimedia real—time menitor—eontrel platform of network based off Mi eresoft.NET Framework.The lowest level i s the data transport layer whi cb i s responsi b1 e for transpotti ng different types of data.Function reali zation 1ayer,the secohd l evel,reali zes a11 kinds of functions of the Platform.The top futiction interface 1ayer provides the interfaoe for kinds of appli catioffS:meafttime,it i s the criterion of the second layer. For every I evel of the P1atform model,it describes key real i zing t echnologi es and then the mai n reali zing methods a



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