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基于 PLC 与组态软件的 DMF 监控系统的研究与设计 摘要 国内很多大型化工企业都具有 DMF 回收系统,由于其工艺复杂,设备繁多等原 因,很多还没有达到完全工厂自动化的程度。本文基于此设计一 DMF 回收监控系统。 本系统设计立足于稳定性好、操作方便、功能完善这几个原则,采用西门子 S7- 300 系列 PLC 作为控 制器, 组态王 与 WinCC 为 人机界 面管理 平台, 通过以 太 网实现 上位机 与下位 机通信 ,完成 控制 任务。系统具 有处理 大量数 据的功 能, 包 括数据 的传递 、数据 储存、数 据交换 等,对 于模拟 量(如温 度、压 力、流量 等 )的控 制,以 FM355C 模块 为硬 件基础,采 用 PID 闭环 控制策 略,来 控制输 出 。人 机界面 采用组 态王作 为主控 端设计 软件 ,WinCC 作为 辅助监 视软件 ,完 成 数据检 测、参数控 制等功 能 ,并详 细介绍 了界面 设计内 容和操 作方法 以及两 组 态 软 件 间 的通讯 。 关键字:DMF回收,监控系统,PLC,WinCC The Research of Control System for DMF Recovery Based on PLC and the Configuration Software ABSTRACT Most large chemical companies have DMF recovery system, due to the complex process, range of equipments and so on, most of them have not yet reached the high degree of automation. For this reason a control system for DMF recovery is researched in this paper. The syste m is designed for good stabilit y, easy operation and perfect funct io n. The control syste m uses a Siemens S7 -300 series PLC as controller, K ingview a nd WINCC manage me nt plat for m for the man- machine inter face.The communicat ion between uper computer and lower computer is achie ved by Ether net. The syste m has the ability to process large amo unts o f data, includ ing data trans fer, data storage, data exchange, control o f a na log (suc h as te mperature, pressure, flow rate, etc.).The output is contro led by PID closed - loop control strategy whic h uses FM355C module for hardware foundatio n. The K ingview is used as the ma in software of t he man- mac hine inter face, WinCC is used as the assist so ftware of t he ma n- machine interface in this design. The y together complete the funct io n of Data detection and parameter control. The inter face design, content, methods of operation and comunict ion o f the two man- machine interface softwares are detailed in this paper.. Keywords: DMF recovery, Monitoring system, PLC, WinCC, human- machine interface; 致 谢 在硕士毕业论文完成之际,我真心的感谢我的导师王华强副教授。感谢王老师在 我硕士研究生的学习和生活中给予我的关怀、鼓励和帮助,在



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