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The design of Ultrasonic Bladder Volume Scanner based on NiosII platform A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:Zheng Yuchun Supervisor:Prof. Hu Zhixin Chang’an University, Xi’an, China I I 摘 要 近年来,随着计算机技术和电子技术的发展,越来越多的医疗器械被人们用来诊断 各类疾病,由于 B 超的无创伤、无辐射、价格低等优势,它被广泛的用于医疗诊断。 本文根据膀胱形状特点和 B 超成像特点推导出膀胱容量的计算公式,并将 12 幅膀 胱 B 超图像进行计算,得出膀胱的体积值。实验表明:超声膀胱测容仪计算出的膀胱容 积值和导出的尿量体积值基本吻合。本文详细介绍了系统软件的设计步骤和过程。 该仪器采用 FPGA 内置软核 NiosII 微控制器进行设计开发,利用 2.5Mhz 换能器发 射和接收超声信号。通过 FPGA 进行数据采集和前端处理,再将转换后的超声信号交由 NiosII 处理器进行图像处理和计算,并将图像和容积值显示出来。超声膀胱测容仪系统 设计包括:图像实时显示模块、打印机管理模块、患者信息管理模块、登陆管理模块、 电源管理模块、时间管理模块、信息输入模块等。 关键词:膀胱容积; B 超; NiosII; 医疗设备 II II Abstract In recent years,with the development of computer technology and electronic technology,more and more medical equipments have been used for diagnosis all kinds of diseases,B ultrasonic has been extensively used for medical diagnosis for its noninvasive,nonradiative and low price. This paper derived bladder capacity calculation formula with the characteristic of B ultrasonic and the shape of bladder ,and then getting approximate urine bladder volume with 12 B ultrasonic images. Experiments show that : use ultrasonic bladder scanner to measure bladder volume agree well with true urine volume. The paper introduce the design steps and process of software system in detail. This instrument used NiosII microcontroller for development which embedded in FPGA,sending and receiving ultrasonic signal with a 2.5Mhz transducer.At first,we used FPGA for data acquisition and front processing,then the NiosII processor manage ultrasonic signal and calculate the images,The 12 images and bladder volume value have been displayed on LCD finally.The Ultrasonic Bladder Volume Scanner software system contains: real time imaging module,printer management module,patient information management module,users login management module,power management module,time and date management module and information input module. Key words: bladder volume; B ultrasonic; Ni



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