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中文摘要 随着微处理器技术的飞速发展,最大数据传输率只有8MB/s的ISA总线已 经不能适应它的高速度,逐渐淡出历史舞台,取而代之的是高速的PCI(Peripheral Component interconnect)总线。PCI总线是一种先进的高性能的32/64位地址数 据复用局部总线,可同时支持多组外围设备,并且不受处理器的限制,为中央处 理器及高速外围设备提供了一座桥梁,迎合了工业发展的需要。因此只有符合 PCI总线标准的板卡,才能适应未来发展的需要。而计算机和多媒体等技术的迅 速发展,也为PCI总线提供了更广阔的应用空间,所以对PCI总线的研究应用是 很有价值的。 本论文首先在熟悉PCI总线协议的基础上,提出了一种基于PCI总线的通用 板卡的设计思想。然后对几种PCI总线接口芯片进行了比较,最终选用了PLX 公司的PCI 9054作为本系统的PCI接口芯片,并根据其功能及特点,设计爿铺』 作了硬件电路。采用FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)作为沟通单片机、SRAM与 PCI设备之间的桥梁,充分利用FPGA中I/O资源丰富,用户可自定制逻辑的优 势,来帮助完成单片机与PCI设备之间的通信任务,以及二者对SRAM的读写 控制等。同时编写了基于WDM模式的设备驱动程序,使得整个系统能够被PC 机识别并顺利运行。最后编写了测试程序(PC机对SRAM的单字节读写以及 Block DMA操作等)测试整个系统,证实了系统硬件电路和驱动程序工作正常, 单字节读写和DMA数据传输结果正确。 关键词:PCI总线数据采集PCI 9054总线控制器 WDM FPGA ABSTRACT With the fast development of microprocesso毛ISA Bus,the data transfef rate of which is no more than 8MB/s,could not adapt to the hi醴一speed microprocessor and had to give its position to others,especially PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect) Bus.a high performance 32bit or 64bit bus诹也multiplexed address and data lines. PCI Bus is intended for use as all interconnected mechanism between highly integrated peripheral controller components,peripheral add“in boards and processor/memory systems.PCI successfully met the demands of the industry and is now the most widely accepted and implemented expansion standard in the world.The technology of computer and multimedia also provide a wide space for the application of PCI Bus.As a result,it is highly valuable to do research and application on PCI BUS. On the base of familiarity with the standard of PCI Bus,a structure of common PCI card is proposed in this article,Then several PCI interface chips are compared and finally PCI 9054,which belongs to PLX Corporation,is chose as the bus interface chip.According to its function and characteristic,the hardware system is designed. FPGA is used as a bridge between microcontroller and PCI device.Taking full advantage ofthe abundant I/O resource and the superiority ofuser self-defining logic, FPGA also i



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