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四川师范大学成都学院现代通信原理课程设计 PAGE II 数字电子时钟的设计 学生:李滟 指导教师:孙活 摘要:20世纪以来,电子技术飞速发展,现代电子产品几乎渗透了社会的各个领域,推动了社会生产力的发展和社会信息化程度的提高,同时也使现代电子产品性能进一步提高,产品更新换代的节奏也越来越快。 现代生活的人们越来越重视时间观念,时间就是金钱。对于对时间把握非常严格和准确的人来说,时间的不准确会给他们带来非常大的麻烦,所以以数码管为显示器的数字电子时钟比指针式的时钟表现出很大的优势。数码管显示的时间简单明了,读数快、时间准确到秒。 数字电子时钟是采用数字电路实现对“时”、“分”、“秒”数字显示的计时装置。数字钟的精度、稳定度远远超过老式机械钟。在这次设计中,我们采用LED数码管显示时、分、秒,以24小时计时方式,根据数码管动态显示原理来进行显示,用12MHz的晶振产生振荡脉冲,定时器计数。在此次设计中,电路具有显示时间的基本功能,还可以实现对时间的调整。数字电子时钟小巧,价格低廉,走时精度高,使用方便,功能多,便于集成化因而受到广大消费者的喜爱,得到了广泛的使用。 关键字:数字电子时钟 单片机 LED The design of digital electronic clock Abstract: Twenty century, the rapid development of electronic technology, the modern electronic products almost permeated the various sectors of society, and promote the social development of productive forces and social informatization degree rise, but also make the modern electronic products to further improve performance, the rhythm of the upgrade of products is also more and more fast. Modern life people pay more and more attention to the concept of time, time is money. The time is very strict and accurate grasp of the people, time is not accurate will bring them very big trouble, so to digital tube for display of digital electronic clock than pointer clock shows a lot of advantages. Digital tube display time simple and clear, reading fast, time accurate to seconds. Digital electronic clock is adopting digital circuit to realize , points , seconds digital display timing device. The precision of the digital clock, stability is far more than the old mechanical clock. In this design, we adopt LED digital tube display, points, SEC to 24 hours time way, according to the principle of dynamic display of digital tube to display, with 12 MHZ of crystal oscillator produce oscillation pulse, the timer count. In this design, circuit has a show time basic functions, but also can realize the time adjustment. Digital electronic clock small, when the price is low, high precision, easy to use, the function is much, facilita


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