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浙江大学硕士学位论文 对华农产品不公平贸易行为及救济体系研究
Since Chinas accession to the World Trade Organization(WTO).there has been a significant increase in the export of agricultural produce,however at the same time Chinas exports ofagricultural products age facing a sevgre export pressure and import barriers.This is not only due to the special nature of agriculture and agricultural industrys shortcomings in China,but also because of the unfair trade practices adopted by other countries when facing the competitive pressure丘Om Chinas agricultural products.Based on the fair trade,this paper proposed a concept of fair
trade remedy system for agricultural products,expecting to integrate kinds of
resources to provide the remedy system all effective and workable strategy.
On the basis of the definition of the conecot of fair trade and trade remedy,the main idea in this paper is to constructe an unfair trade remedy system for China。s agricultural products according to the unfair trade practices China suffers and the reality of China’s trade remedy.Factors,which constraint the formation and operation of the system,have been analyzed through factor analysis and path analysis,policy
recommendations to avoid unfair trade practices effectively is given.T11is paper
consists ofthe followingparts.
In the first part,a review ofthe theory of fair trade and trade remedy is made,the key concepts in the research are summarized,and the object and the theoretical basis for the research are defined.
In the second part,the WTO trade disputes 011 agricultural products are mainly studied,and the characteristies and cause of unfair trade practices for a鲥cultural products ale analyzed.Then on basis of the former study,comparative study on the unfair trade practices which China suffers has been made.
In the third part,the paper studies the actuality ofthe domestic agricultural Trade Remedy,combined with the former study of Wade remedy system by domestic schol
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