商务谈判—chapter 4.doc

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商务谈判--Chapter 4 2007-11-18 21:59:25| 分类: HYPERLINK /tourismenglish@126/blog/ \l m=0t=1c=fks_080074083095085071082087074071081094080067092083084 \o 商务谈判 商务谈判 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 Initiating Negotiations启动谈判 getting the lay of the land熟悉地形 Sellers and buyers have the same motive—profit—but opposing means of achieving it .The same can be said of companies looking for capital and those looking to invest. Each side needs the other, although the degree of need varies from project to project. Traditionally, buyers and investors set the rules and wait to be courted by commercial suitors. Sometimes, however, the seller calls the shots, as is often the case in the petroleum industry. At other times, an emerging market government seeking technology will play one foreign investor off of another, as has often happened in auto industry licensing. 买方和卖方有同样的动机—利润—但是获得利润的方式则相反。对于寻求资金的公司和需求投资的那些公司来讲,也同样。每一方都需要另一方,尽管需求的程度因项目不同而各不相同。传统上,买方和投资方指定原则,等待商业追求者来追求。然而,有时,卖方操纵谈判,在石油业常常是这种情况。在其他情况下,一个新兴市场寻求技术的政府用一个国外投资者来斗另外一个投资者,在汽车工业许可证方面常常如此。 Usually, the party with the greatest sense of need will make the initial contact, which will set the tone for all pursuant negotiations. 通常情况下,需求最强烈的一方将主动联系(对方),这会为接下来的谈判定下基调。 Appearing too needy can make the deal unattractive even before its on the table. 显得急于求成可能使这笔生意在谈判前就失去了吸引力。Conversely, approaching a deal in a take-it-or-leave-it posture may only attract the most desperate partners or none at all. 相反,采取取舍无所谓的态度只能会吸引那些极度渴望成交的合作伙伴,不可能吸引其他人。Some basic contact points and guidelines can be followed to ensure that when contact is made, its seen in the most favorable light.为确保双方在初次商务接触时就使之处与最佳的路线上,下面列举一些商务交往的基本要点和指导方针原则。 Project Summary: Setting the Stage 项目概述:准备谈判舞台 Its essential that the negotiations get off to an auspicious顺利的 start. 谈判有一个顺利的开端是很必要的.Both the initiator and receiver of the inquiry must be excited about the prospects of the deal regardless of who is actually selling or buying. 不论实际上谁是买方或买方,合作要求的倡议者和接收者双方都必须对给交易的前景感到兴奋。Many potentially lucra


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