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21 1 ( ) Vol. 21 No. 1 2011 1 Journal of Jiangsu University(M edicine Edition) Jan. 2011 5Aza dR aki1 E 1 2 1 2 何鸿保 , 孙浩, 姚宏伟 , 唐爱国 ( 1. , 212001; 2. , 212001) [ ] : 52( 5Aza dR) aki 1 E (Ecadherin, Ecad) Ecad: 5A za dR aki1, (MTT ); P R (methylation specialP R, MSP)E cad ; 5Aza dR Ecad - 6 : 5A za dR aki1;, 10 mol/L 5Aza dR 72 h, E cad , Ecad: 5Aza dR aki 1 E cad , Ecad [] 52; ; E; DNA ; [] R737. 11 [] A [] 1671- 7783(2011) 01- 0065- 04 E ffects of 5A zaCdR on proliferation of renal clear cell carcinom a line Caki1 and expression of E cadherin gene 1 2 1 2 H E H ong bao , SUN H ao , YA O H ong w ei , TAN G A iguo ( 1. School of linicalM edicine, JiangsuUniversity, Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212001; 2. Department ofUrology, theA ffiliatedHospital of JiangsuU ni versity, Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212001, hina) [A bstract] Objec tive To investigate the effects of methylation inhibitor 5Aza2deoxycytidine on the grow th of renal clear cell carcinoma cell line aki1 and the expression of the Ecadherin(Ecad) gene and protein. M ethod s Renal clear cell carcinom a cell line aki1were treated w ith different concentration of 5Aza dR respectively. Then the growth rate of the cellswas detected byMTT assay. Themethylation and demethylation status ofE cad genewere detected by methylation special P R(MSP). Thewestern blotwas used to detect Ecad protein level


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