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編譯論叢 第十二卷 第一期(2019年3 月), 59— 76 數位化時代深度翻譯在《茶經》 翻譯中的創新應用 龍明慧 《茶經》是中國最著名的茶典籍,包含多個領域的知識,涉及中國古代大 量歷史、地理、文化資訊,在翻譯過程中往往需要譯者在原文基礎上進行「深 度翻譯」,以合適的方式增補涉及文化背景和專業知識的注釋資訊,幫助目標 讀者理解。但深度翻譯若是運用不當,則很難實現該有的效果,有時還會產生 一些負面影響。因此本文以《茶經》美國譯者法蘭西斯.羅斯.卡朋特的英譯 本為例,分析深度翻譯在該譯本中的應用情況及其存在的一些問題,結合數位 化時代新媒體技術的發展,探索《茶經》翻譯中深度翻譯的創新應用模式,提 出超連結應用和整合圖片、音訊、影片等非語言媒介的深度翻譯策略,為適應 當代讀者的閱讀習慣,實現更有效的跨文化傳播提供借鑒。 關鍵詞:數位化時代、新媒體、深度翻譯、茶典籍翻譯 收件:2018年8月20 日 修改:2018年11月19 日 接受:2018年12月5 日 龍明慧,浙江農林大學文法學院副教授, E-mail: zjfclmh@126.com 。 Compilation and Translation Review Vol. 12, No. 1 ( March 2019 ), 59 - 76 An Innovative Application of Thick Translation in Translating in and for The Classic of Tea Our Digital Age Minghui Long Chajing (The Classic of Tea), the best-known Chinese tea classic, is filled with background information about Chinese culture, history, and geography. Therefore, thick translation— that is, the inclusion of a further, more detailed and more professional understanding of tea—is clearly necessary in the English translation of this classic. However, improper thick translation may fail to have positive effects. Therefore, this paper, taking Francis Ross Carpenter s English translation of The Classic of Tea as a case, explores ’ the application of thick translation in general and the problems that may be created by the traditional practice of thick translation. Here, then, taking into account the ongoing development of new media in our digital age, an innovative model of thick translation is proposed which advocates the use of hyperlink and non-verbal resources like pictures, animations and audio-visual materials. It is believed that thi


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