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* * * 中医现代科技文献翻译 兰凤利 上海中医药大学 * * 内容提要 1 中医学文章标题的特点及其英译要求 2 中医现代科技文献翻译要求与方法 * * 1中医学文章标题的特点及其英译要求 1.1 格式 (1) 词组式 痛经证治 Pattern Identification and Treatment of Dysmenorrhea 小儿高热治验 Experiences in Treating Infantile High Fever * * 梅核气的中西医结合治疗 Treatment of Globus Hystericus (Plum-Pit Qi) with Integrative Medicine 冠脉侧支循环的中医研究进展 Progress of Chinese Medical Studies on Collateral Circulation of Coronary Artery * * (2) 动宾式 论针灸配穴法 On Combined Use of Acupuncture Points 探讨王履的学术思想及其成就 On Wang Lu’s Academic Ideas and Achievements 试论临床病理诊断与四诊合参 Clinical Pathological Diagnosis and Comprehensive Consideration of the Four Examinations * * (3) 主谓式 穴位注射治疗更年期综合征 Treatment of Climacteric Syndrome with Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy * * (4) 疑问式 当归四逆汤中有生姜吗? Does Danggui Sini Decoction Contain Fresh Ginger? 黄芩汤主治什么症候? What Are the Indications of Scutellaria Decoction? * * 1. 2 副标题的处理 1.2.1 突出文章的主要内容 判其归属,各有互茂—风、燥、湿属性探讨 On the Nature of Wind, Dryness and Dampness 动静合宜,以平为期—妇科病证诊余杂谈 Balancing: Treatment of Gynecological Diseases * * 1.2.2 对文章内容加以说明 滋阴法在治疗肿瘤病中的运用—钱伯文老师经验介绍 Treatment of Tumor with Yin-Nourishing Method: An Introduction to Professor Qian Bo-Wen’s Experience 药对举隅—学习各家中药配伍经验 Examples of Medicinals Used in Pairs: Experiences in Compatibility Developed by Different Schools * * 1.3 中医文章标题与医学文章的比较 1.3.1 study, approach等词的使用 1) study 等词前有修饰语 Biochemical Study on Phlebotomus Radiotherapeutic Approach to Carcinoma of Bladder * * 2) study 等词为复数 Studies on Embedding Materials 3) study 等词放在副标题中 Replacement of Bladder: A Study of 100 Cases * * 1.3.2 病例数的处理 针刺治疗面瘫115例 Treatment of Facial Paralysis with Acupuncture: A Review of 115 Cases 72例慢性肾炎治疗分析 Treatment of Chronic Nephritis: An Analysis of 72 Cases * * 1.3.3 “关系”的处理 Aspirin-induced Gastritis and Gastrointestinal Bleeding 癌症与饮食的关系 Cancer and Diet * * 2. 中医现代科技文献翻译要求与方法 2.1 简练 简洁中医文章译文的几种方法 2.1.1 用英语的一个名词对译汉语的一个词组 天行瘟疫 pestilence 如银内障 cataract 拘挛不伸 spasm 引经报使(药)guiding (herb/medicinal) * * 肌肉瘦消 emaciation 里急后重 tenesmus 心悸怔忡 palpi


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