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For the issues of the present situation of English education and the ineffective teaching in class in our country, the educators studied those through the foreign language educational psychology and found that English education should be based on the strong interest and willing and help students to transfer the foreign language study to the foreign language acquisition. Foreign language study is a very complex process referring to a mass of factors, especially to children. The research object of this thesis is the children between age of 5 to 8. The language educator should take advantages of the children^ physiology and psychology and combine the advantages with the English teaching. Aiming at practicing the theories of the effective teaching adequately, the educators should take the spoken English the application function as the
cutting point of the English Education, and mark the interesting education and creating education of English as the intended teaching goals. By referring to the findings of the effective teaching at home and abroad, this thesis focuses on childrens effective spoken English teaching, and crystallizes our country^ s effective teaching principles effectiveness, profitablity and
Key words: spoken English; Effective Teaching; children^ psychology
针对廿前我国英语教育现状及课堂“无效教学”等问题,从外语教育心理学的角度 上分析问题,可以发现,英语教学必须建立在强烈的英语兴趣和求知欲上,使学习英语向 习得英语的方向转变。外语学习是一个非常复杂的习得过程,它涉及各种因素,而儿童英 语口语教学更是如此。本文将5至8岁儿童作为研究对象,将儿童生理和心理上的优势作 为切入点,使其与英语教学相融合,并从口语教学即语言的应用功能入手,把培养儿童对 英语的兴趣爱好和创新独立思维作为教学目标,使得“冇效教学”在儿童口语教学得到充 分体现及应用。同时通过借鉴和引用国内外对“冇效教学”的研究成果,对儿童进行切实 有效的口语教育,将我国就有效教学所提出的“有效果,有效率,有效益”的教学理念具 体化。
Table of Contents
TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark0 \o Current Document Abstract i
HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document 摘要 ii
HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document Introduction 1
HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document The Meaning of Spoken English Education between the Age of 5 to 8 in China 3
HYPERLINK \l bookmark12 \
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- 论五年制学前教育专业学生常规管理问题及应对策略.docx
- 论小学德育工作中情感体验教学的策略.docx
- 论小学生生命教育的意涵与实施路径.docx
- 论小学数学教学中兴趣融入及养成.docx
- 论小学数学教学中学生自主学习创新思维能力的培养.docx
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